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Multi-objective optimization of shock control bump on a supercritical wing

Multi-objective optimization of shock control bump on a supercritical wing

作     者:TIAN Yun LIU PeiQing LI Zhi 

作者机构:School of Aeronautical Science and Engineering Beihang University 

基  金:European Commission  EC 

出 版 物:《Science China(Technological Sciences)》 (中国科学(技术科学英文版))

年 卷 期:2014年第57卷第1期

页      码:192-202页

摘      要:Based on the supercritical"wing1"which was released in the DPW-III conference,multi-objective optimization has been done to increase the lift-drag ratio at cruise condition and improve transonic buffet boundary and drag-rise ***-Henne shape functions are used to represent the bump *** the design optimization to increase lift-drag ratio,the objectives involve the cruise point and three other off-design points *** the other optimization process to improve buffet and drag-rise performance,three buffet onset points near the cruise point and one drag-rise point are selected as the design ***-dominating sort genetic algorithm II(NSGA-II)is used in both ***,individual analysis for every selected point on the Pareto frontier is conducted in order to avoid local convergence and achieve global *** of optimization for aerodynamic efficiency show a decrease of 11 counts in drag at the cruise *** at nearby off-design points are also reduced to some *** approaches are made to improve buffet and drag-rise characteristics,resulting in significant improvements in both ways.

主 题 词:多目标优化 超临界机翼 冲击控制 非支配排序遗传算法 设计优化 凸块 空气动力学 自助餐 

学科分类:0810[工学-土木类] 08[工学] 082501[082501] 0805[工学-能源动力学] 0825[工学-环境科学与工程类] 0702[理学-物理学类] 0812[工学-测绘类] 


D O I:10.1007/s11431-013-5410-3

馆 藏 号:203127327...

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