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Research on engineering-oriented constraints conflict detection in collaborative design of wire harness technology

Research on engineering-oriented constraints conflict detection in collaborative design of wire harness technology

作     者:LIU Xiaoping HE Honglin XU Benzhu 

作者机构:School of Computer and Information Hefei University of Technology Hefei 230009 China 

基  金:Supported by Chinese national Science Foundation (No.61070124) the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities(No.2012HGBZ0195) 

出 版 物:《Computer Aided Drafting,Design and Manufacturing》 (计算机辅助绘图设计与制造(英文版))

年 卷 期:2012年第22卷第2期

页      码:13-19页

摘      要:Engineering-oriented constraint of harness technology has much information and project information presents progressive changes along with the design. Therefore, how to handle conflict resolution quickly is a problem to be solved. Process model of con- flict detection is put forward according to characteristics of harness technology design engineering-oriented constraint, and then two problems of how to conduct conflict positioning and judgment of constraint rules are introduced in this paper. Afterwards in this pa- per, constraint information directed acyclic graph is established by classified project constraint information to solve the conflict posi- tioning problem; solution of constraint satisfaction problem is applied to realize judgment problem of constraint rules. Finally, exam- ple is used to analyze the method in this paper to further verify the correctness and effectiveness of this method.

主 题 词:harness technology collaborative design conflict detection engineering-oriented constraint 

学科分类:1305[艺术学-设计学类] 13[艺术学] 08[工学] 080203[080203] 081304[081304] 0802[工学-机械学] 0813[工学-化工与制药类] 080201[080201] 

D O I:10.19583/j.1003-4951.2012.02.003

馆 藏 号:203349981...

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