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Design and preliminary test results of Daya Bay RPC modules

Design and preliminary test results of Daya Bay RPC modules

作     者:徐吉磊 关梦云 杨长根 王贻芳 张家文 Kirk McDonald Robert Hackenburg Kwong Lau Logan Lebanowski Cullen Newsom Lin Shih-Kai Jonathan Link 马烈华 Viktor Pě Vit Vorobel 陈进 刘金昌 周永钊 梁昊 

作者机构:Institute of High Energy PhysicsCAS Graduate University of Chinese Academy of Sciences Joseph Henry LaboratoriesPrinceton University Brookhaven National LaboratoryUpton Department of PhysicsUniversity of Houston Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University Charles UniversityFaculty of Mathematics and PhysicsPragueCzech Republic University of Science and Technology of China 

基  金:Supported by Ministry of Science and Technology of People’s Republic of China (2006CB808102) United States Department of Energy,Projects MSM0021620859 and ME08076 of Ministry of Education Youth and Sports of Czech Republic and 202/08/0760 of Czech Science Foundation 

出 版 物:《Chinese Physics C》 (中国物理C(英文版))

年 卷 期:2011年第35卷第9期

页      码:844-850页

摘      要:Resistive Plate Chamber (RPC) modules will be used as one part of the cosmic muon veto system in the Daya Bay reactor neutrino experiment. A total of 189 RPC modules will cover the three water pools in the experiment. To achieve track reconstruction and high efficiency, each module consists of 4 layers, each of which contains two sizes of bare chambers. The placement of bare chambers is reversed in different layers to reduce the overlapping dead areas. The module efficiency and patch emciency were studied both in simulation and test of the data analysis. 143 modules have been constructed and tested. The preliminary study shows that the module and patch 3 out of 4 layers efficiency reaches about 98%.

主 题 词:RPC RPC modules module efficiency dead area Daya Bay neutrino experiment 

学科分类:0709[理学-地质学] 07[理学] 0708[理学-地球物理学类] 0804[工学-材料学] 0827[工学-食品科学与工程类] 0703[理学-化学类] 0704[理学-天文学类] 070202[070202] 0702[理学-物理学类] 


D O I:10.1088/1674-1137/35/9/011

馆 藏 号:203787494...

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