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Real-data assimilation experiment with a joint data assimilation system: assimilating carbon dioxide mole fraction measurements from the Greenhouse gases Observing Satellite

Real-data assimilation experiment with a joint data assimilation system: assimilating carbon dioxide mole fraction measurements from the Greenhouse gases Observing Satellite

作     者:HAN Rui TIAN Xiang-Jun FU Yu CAI Zhao-Nan HAN Rui;TIAN Xiang-Jun;FU Yu;CAI Zhao-Nan

作者机构:Institute of Atmospheric SciencesChengdu University of Information Technology/Plateau Atmosphere and Environment Key Laboratory of Sichuan Province International Center for Climate and Environment SciencesChinese Academy of Sciences Climate Change Research CenterChinese Academy of Sciences Key Laboratory of Middle Atmosphere and Global Environment ObservationChinese Academy of Sciences 

基  金:partially supported by the National High Technology Research and Development Program of China[grant number 2013AA122002] the National Natural Science Foundation of China[grant numbers 41575100 and 91437220] the Knowledge Innovation Program of the Chinese Academy of Sciences[grant number KZCX2-EW-QN207] the Special Fund for Meteorological Scientific Research in Public Interest[grant number GYHY201506002] 

出 版 物:《Atmospheric and Oceanic Science Letters》 (大气和海洋科学快报(英文版))

年 卷 期:2016年第9卷第2期

页      码:107-113页

摘      要:Tan-Tracker碳卫星资料联合数据同化系统是针对即将发射的中国的碳卫星TANSat,并基于先进数据同化算法PODEn4DVar,同时采用了联合数据同化的策略,紧扣碳卫星资料同化的这一国际前沿开发的面向科研和应用的碳卫星资料同化系统。本文设计运行了Tan-Tracker碳卫星资料联合数据同化系统同化GOSAT卫星CO_2浓度观测的真实同化实验,并评估了Tan-Tracker碳同化系统的可行性和有效性。经过同化后的结果与模式模拟结果同观测对比,均方根误差有了明显的下降(约30%),特别是在地面观测严重缺失的非洲北部、印度半岛、南部非洲、美国南部、澳大利亚西部等地;同时与观测的相关系数并无很大的差异。总体而言,Tan-Tracker碳同化系统成功完成真实数据同化并有较好的结果。

主 题 词:同化试验 跟踪系统 二氧化碳 数据同化 观测卫星 温室气体 摩尔分数 大气CO2浓度 

学科分类:0710[理学-生物科学类] 083002[083002] 0830[工学-生物工程类] 0908[0908] 07[理学] 0707[理学-海洋科学类] 08[工学] 070602[070602] 0706[理学-大气科学类] 0816[工学-纺织类] 0825[工学-环境科学与工程类] 0713[0713] 


D O I:10.1080/16742834.2016.1133070

馆 藏 号:203813150...

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