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《美国医学会杂志(中文版)》2006年 第6期25卷 335-344页
作者: 徐成斌Fibrinogen Studies Collaboration 不详 
背景:血浆纤维蛋白原水平可能与冠心病(coronary heart disease,CHD)和卒中的患病危险相关。目的:根据个体参试者的数据评价血浆纤维蛋白原水平与主要血管性和非血管性疾病危险的关系。数据来源:通过计算机检索、人工检索参考文...
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《美国医学会杂志(中文版)》2005年 第5期24卷 259-264页
作者:Dennis T. Ko Muhammad Mamdani David A. Alter 徐成斌Division of Cardiology Schulich Heart Centre and Department of Medicine Sunny-brook and Women's College Health Sciences Centre Institute for Clinical Evaluative Sciences TorontoOn.do 不详 
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《美国医学会杂志(中文版)》2006年 第3期25卷 139-145页
作者:Paul M Ridker Nader Rifai Nancy R.Cook Gary Bradwin Julie E Buring 徐成斌Donald W.Reynolds Center for Cardiovascular Research the Leoucq Center for Molecular and Genetic Epidemiology the Center for Cardiovascular Disease Prevention and the Divisions of Preventive Medicine the Center for Cardiovascular Disease Prevention and the Divisions of Preventive Medicine the Center for Cardiovascular Disease Prevention and the Divisions of Preventive Medicine and Cardiology Brigham and Women's Hospitaland the Department of Laboratory MedicineChildren's Hospital Harvard Medical SchoolBostonMass the Department of EpidemiologyHarvard School of Public HealthBostonMass 不详 
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《美国医学会杂志(中文版)》2006年 第1期25卷 28-33页
作者:David J, Graham Judy A , Staffa Deborah shatin Susan E. Andrade Stephanie D, Schech Lois La Grenade Jerry H. Gurwitz K. Arnold Chan Michael .J. Goodman Richard Platt 徐成斌Office of Drug Safety Center for Drug Evaluation and Research Food and Drug Administration Rockvilte Md Center for Health Care Policy and Evaluation Eden Prairie Minn Meyers Pdmary Care Institute Fallon Foundation and the University of Massachusetts Medical School Worcester Channing Laboratory Brigham and Wornen's Hospital and Harvard Medical School Department of Ambulatory Care and Prevention Harvard Pilgrim Health Care and Harvard Medical School Department of Epiderniology HarvardSchool of Public Health Boston Massi and HealthPartners Research Founda'don Minneapolis Minn 不详 
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《美国医学会杂志(中文版)》2007年 第4期26卷 195-203页
作者:Gabriel Steg Deepak L. Bhatt Peter W. F. Wilson Ralph D' Agostino E. Magnus Ohman Joachim Roether Chiau-Suong Liau Alan T. Hirsch Jean-Louis Mas Yasuo Ikeda Michael J. Pencina Shinya Goto 徐成斌 李呈亿(校)Departement de Cardiologie Hopital Bichat-Claude Bernard Paris France Department of Cardiovascular Medicine Cleveland Clinic Cleveland Ohio Cardiology Division Emory University School of Medicine Atlanta Ga Statistics and Consulting Unit Department of Mathematics and Statistics Boston University Boston Mass Division of Cardiology Duke University Durham NC Department of Neurology Klinikum Minden Minden Germany Department of internal Medicine National Taiwan University Hospital and School of Medicine Taipei Taiwan Minneapolis Heart Institute Foundation and Division of Epidemiology and Community Health University of Minnesota School of Public Health Minneapolis Service de Neurologie Centre Raymond Garcin Hopital Sainte-Anne Paris France Department of Internal Medicine Keio University School of Medicine Tokyo Japan Department of Medicine Tokai University School of Medicine Kanagawa Japan 不详 
背景:目前,有关社区中动脉粥样硬化血栓形成稳定患者心血管(cardiovascular,CV)事件发生率的资料比较少,既往也无国际性队列研究对冠状动脉病(coronary artery disease,CAD)、脑血管病(cerebrovascular disease,CVD)、外周...
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《美国医学会杂志(中文版)》2007年 第1期26卷 12-19页
作者:Deepak L. Bhatt, MD P. Gabriel Steg, MD E. Magnus Ohman, MD Alan T. Hirsch, MD Yasuo Ikeda, MD Jean-Louis Mas, MD Shinya Goto, MD Chlau-Suong Liau, MD, PhD Alain J. Richard, MD, PhD Joachim Roether, MD Peter W. F. Wilson, MD 徐成斌 
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《美国医学会杂志(中文版)》2008年 第1期27卷 17-25页
作者:Paul M. Ridker, MD, MPH Julie E. Buring, ScD Nader Rifai, PhD Nancy R. Cook, ScD 张方芳() 徐成斌(校)Donald W.Reynolds Center for Cardiovascular Research and the Center for Cardiovascular Disease Prevention Division of Preventive Medicine Brigham and Women's HospitalBostonMassand the Department of Laboratory MedicineChildren's Hospital BostonMass Division of Preventive Medicine and the Division of Cardiovascular Diseases Brigham and Women's HospitalBostonMassand the Department of Laboratory MedicineChildren's Hospital BostonMass 不详 
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