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《铁道科学与工程学报》2020年 第10期17卷 2485-2492页
作者:韩笑 姚令侃 魏永幸 黄艺丹 Sarfraz ali西南交通大学土木工程学院四川成都610031 西南交通大学高速铁路线路工程教育部重点实验室四川成都610031 西南交通大学陆地交通地质灾害防治技术国家工程实验室四川成都610031 中铁二院工程集团有限责任公司四川成都610031 National University of Sciences and Technology(NUST)College of Civil EngineeringPakistan 24080 
Quantitative design of yield components to simulate yield formation for maize in China
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《Journal of Integrative Agriculture》2020年 第3期19卷 668-679页
作者:HOU Hai-peng MA Wei Mehmood ali NOOR TANG Li-yuan LI Cong-feng DING Zai-song ZHAO MingInstitute of Crop SciencesChinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences/Key Laboratory of Crop Physiology and EcologyMinistry of Agriculture and Rural AffairsBeijing 100081P.R.China Institute of CottonHebei Academy of Agriculture and Forestry SciencesShijiazhuang 050051P.R.China 
Maize(Zea mays L.) stands prominently as one of the major cereal crops in China as well as in the rest of the ***,predicting the growth and yield of maize for large areas through yield components under high-yielding e...
市域铁路60 kg/m钢轨12号可动心轨无砟道岔设计
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《铁道工程学报》2024年 第5期41卷 6-10页
作者:严安宁 王阿利中铁宝桥集团有限公司宝鸡721006 
Behavior of double K-BRB braces under lateral loading
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《Journal of Central South University》2021年 第8期28卷 2394-2406页
作者:ali GHAMARI Hadi HAERI Amir JOHARI NAEIMI Zohreh NAJMI Vahab SARFARAZIDepartment of Civil EngineeringDarreh Shahr BranchIslamic Azad UniversityDarreh ShahrIran State Key Laboratory for Deep GeoMechanics and Underground EngineeringBeijing 100083China Department of Civil EngineeringAmirkabir University of TechnologyTehranIran Department of Structural EngineeringAria University of Science and SustainabilityTehranIran Department of Mining EngineeringHamedan University of TechnologyHamedanIran 
The buckling resisting brace(BRB)is an efficient system against lateral loads that enjoy high seismic energy absorption *** desirable behavior of BRBs has been confirmed,the stiffness of the system is not desirable th...
Prediction of Hub Corner Stall Characteristics of a Highly Loaded Low Speed Single Stage Fan
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《Journal of Thermal Science》2011年 第2期20卷 106-114页
作者:S. Farhan ali HashmiSchool of Power and Energy 127 YouYi Xilu Northwestern Polytechincal University 
In this paper a numerical investigation has been presented on the stall mechanism of a highly loaded Single Stage Low Speed Fan designed for the research test facility to be installed at North Western Polytechnic Univ...
Computer-aided design of the effects of Cr_2O_3 nanoparticles on split tensile strength and water permeability of high strength concrete
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《Science China(Technological Sciences)》2011年 第3期54卷 663-675页
作者:ali NAZARI Shadi RIAHIDepartment of Technical and Engineering Sciences Islamic Azad University Saveh Branch 
In the present paper, two models based on artificial neural networks and genetic programming for predicting split tensile strength and percentage of water absorption of concretes containing Cr2O3 nanoparticles have be...
A perspective on 3D bioprinting in tissue regeneration
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《Bio-Design and Manufacturing》2018年 第3期1卷 157-160页
作者:Samad Ahadian ali KhademhosseiniDepartment of Bioengineering University of California Los Angeles CA 90095-1600 USA Center for Minimally Invasive Therapeutics (C-MIT) University of California Los Angeles CA 90095-1600 USA California NanoSystems Institute (CNSI) University of California Los Angeles CA 90095-1600 USA Department of Radiological Sciences University of California Los Angeles CA 90095-1600 USA Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering University of California Los Angeles CA 90095-1600 USA 
IntroductionA rapidly increasing need for organ transplantation and short list of donated organs have led to the development of new materials and technologies for organ manufacturing. Although some simple organs, such...
Utilizing MATLAB and SIMULINK in Graduate Course of Intelligent Control
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《Computer Aided Drafting,Design and Manufacturing》2007年 第2期17卷 91-94页
作者:MOHAMED El mahdi ali AHMED DarwichSchool of Instrumentation Science and Opto-Electronics Engineering Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics 
Control system design packages like MATLAB, MATRIXX, Control C, SIMNON, etc. have become essential ingredients of both undergraduate and graduate courses in the fields of systems and controls. The use of MATLAB and it...
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《当代电影》2022年 第4期 21-24页
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《岩石力学与工程学报》2005年 第6期24卷 1041-1046页
作者:刘加才 施建勇 赵维炳 ali H Mahfouz河海大学岩土工程研究所江苏南京210098 南京水利科学研究院岩土工程研究所江苏南京210024 
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