范例一:(K=图书馆学 OR K=情报学) AND A=范并思 AND Y=1982-2016
范例二:P=计算机应用与软件 AND (U=C++ OR U=Basic) NOT K=Visual AND Y=2011-2016
摘要:Integrating the topology design and printing method offers a promising methodology to realize large stretchability for ***,eco-friendly and waterbased Ag nanowires(NWs)inks were formulated and used for screen-printing highly stretchable and flexible interconnects on a large area(more than 335 mm x 175 mm).The stretchability of the interconnects was realized by introducing kirigami topology *** topology designed models were established to simulate the influence of kirigami patterns on wire compliance and to estimate the maximum stretchability via finite element analysis(FEA).The mechanic mechanism results demonstrate that an increase of the wave numbers results in larger stretchability,and the rectangular type of wave shows better stretchability than the zigzag and sine ***,the electrical and mechanical properties of the interconnects were measured and analyzed,and the experimental results were consistent with *** electric conductivity of the interconnects is stable at^10,427 S cm-1 even after 1000 cycles of 15.83 mm radius bending,280%stretching and 200%twisting-stretching deformation,demonstrating outstanding mechanical reliability of the *** topology designed interconnects have been applied in stretchable flexible light-emitting diode,indicating their broad application prospects in next-generation stretchable electronics.
摘要:By introduction of a new Fe(L^(1))_(2)spin-crossover(SCO)unit into the polynuclear system,a nano-scale Fe4(L^(2))_(4)molecular square architecture is designed through coordination-directed self-assembly *** the mononuclear Fe(L^(1))_(2)and tetranuclear Fe4(L^(2))_(4)complexes have bee门structurally confirmed by 1H nuclear magnetic resonance(NMR),electrospray ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry(ESI-TOF-MS),and temperature-dependent single crystal X-ray diffraction ***-temperature magnetic susceptibility measurements reveal the presence of an abrupt SCO behavior with a thermal hysteresis width of 4K for Fe(L^(1))_(2).By clear contrast,Fe4(L^(2))_(4)undergoes a gradual spin transition behavior with enlarged thermal hysteresis width and higher spin transition temperature.
摘要:According to the quality of service (QoS) requirements of differentiated service (DiffServ), a cross-layer resource allocation algorithm for multi-user orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) systems is presented. The constant rate is maintained by adjusting the power dynamically for the voice traffics with high priority, whereas the fairness amongst the data traffics is guaranteed by weighted fairness queued (WFQ) algorithm. The two above-mentioned strategies are used for video traffics to realize variable data rate with the constraint of the minimum rate. Combing all these methods, both the throughput and the fairness are ensured when there are multiple users in the OFDM system. Simulation results indicate the validity of the proposed algorithm, which can work well even if the SNR is less than 0 dB.
摘要:提出频率响应遮蔽(frequency response masking,FRM)与改进型离散傅里叶变换(modified discrete Fourier transform,MDFT)相结合的近似精确重构的低复杂度星载信道化器。其中,FRM结构可以较低复杂度设计出过渡带陡峭的有限冲激响应滤波器(finite impulse response,FIR)低通原型,MDFT滤波器组结构可以基本消除滤波器组的邻带混叠,将FRM结构中不适合邻带拼接的结构改进为高通、低通滤波器互补结构,降低了拼接抖动。调整MDFT结构中的上采样率,使之适合于奇偶分离的信道化器。继而提出新的结构,更适合应用于非均匀带宽。仿真表明,所提方法具有更低的运算复杂度,更陡峭的过渡带和更窄的保护间隔,更小的重构误差。
摘要:为实现全膜覆盖种行覆土马铃薯机械化种植,针对地膜全域覆盖膜上对行覆土等难题,设计了马铃薯施肥播种起垄全膜覆盖种行覆土一体机。对样机关键部件进行了分析与设计,确定了液压偏置悬挂装置、跨越式膜上覆土装置、排种系统、碎土整形装置结构及工作参数,解析了核心部件作业机理。田间试验表明,马铃薯施肥播种起垄全膜覆盖种行覆土一体机膜下播种深度合格率为86%,种薯间距合格指数为89%,重种指数为5%,漏种指数为4%,种行覆土宽度合格率为92%,种行覆土厚度合格率为94%,邻接行距合格率为86%,地膜采光面机械破损程度为48.1 mm/m2,渗水孔间距合格率为96%。田间性能试验指标均达到国家和行业标准要求,试验结果满足设计要求,能够实现施肥、播种、起垄、全膜覆盖、种行覆土一体化作业。
招生:0574-88222065 88222066