
检索条件"作者=Bo Wei Lu"
693 条 记 录,以下是1-10 订阅
Design,synthesis and antimicrobial activities of 1,2,3-triazole derivatives
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《Chinese Chemical Letters》2012年 第8期23卷 933-935页
作者:Xu Zhao bo wei lu Jun Rui lu Chun wei Xin Jian Fa Li Ya LiuCollege of Chemistry and Chemical EngineeringTianjin University of TechnologyTianjin 300384China College of ChemistryNankai UniversityTianjin 300071China 
Fifteen 1-(4-substituted phenyl)-4-(4-bromophenyl)-5-(halo-o-hydroxyphenyl)imino-1,2,3-triazoles were designed and synthe- sized based on rational combination of 1,2,3-triazoles and (halo)o-hydroxyphenyl group...
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《植物营养与肥料学报》2017年 第1期23卷 144-153页
作者:刘波 魏全全 鲁剑巍 李小坤 丛日环 吴礼树 徐维明 杨运清 任涛华中农业大学微量元素研究中心湖北武汉430070 农业部长江中下游耕地保育重点实验室湖北武汉430070 湖北省沙洋县土壤肥料工作站湖北沙洋435400 
Design of violet InGaN light-emitting diode with staggered quantum well structure
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《Optoelectronics Letters》2008年 第6期4卷 399-402页
作者:LI wei-jun ZHANG bo XU Wen-Lan lu weiState key Laboratory for Infrared Physics Shanghai Institute of Technical Physics Chinese Academy of Sciences Shanghai 200083 China Department of Electronic Engineering East China Normal University Shanghai 200062 China 
The staggered InGaN quantum well (QW) structure and the conventional InGaN QW structure for the emission at a particu-lar wavelength of 400 nm are designed and theoretically investigated,including the distribution of ...
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《物探装备》2025年 第1期35卷 9-12页
作者:倪波 刘金中 魏文曦 刘庆川 鲁鹏程中国石油集团东方地球物理勘探有限责任公司装备服务中心河北涿州072750 
A review on biocompatibility nature of hydrogels with 3D printing techniques,tissue engineering application and its future prospective
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《Bio-Design and Manufacturing》2018年 第4期1卷 265-279页
作者:Jabran Saroia Wang Yanen Qinghua wei Kun Zhang Tingli lu bo ZhangDepartment of Industry EngineeringCollege of Mechanical EngineeringNorthwestern Polytechnical University Xi'an 710072People's Republic of China Key Laboratory for Space Bioscience and Biotechnology School of Life SciencesNorthwestern Polytechnical UniversityXi'an 710072People's Republic of China Department of UrologyTangdu HospitalThe Fourth Military Medical UniversityXi'an 710038People's Republic of China 
Recently,tissue engineering (TE)is one of the fast growing research fields due the accessibility of extra-molecular matrix (ECM)at cellular and molecular level with valuable potential prospective of *** enhancement in...
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《包装工程》2017年 第4期38卷 11-16页
作者:董旸 刘威 芦博文沈阳大学沈阳110044 沈阳航空航天大学沈阳110136 
Theoretical and experimental investigation on optimization of a non-contact air conveyor
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《Journal of Central South University》2016年 第2期23卷 353-361页
作者:钟伟 黎鑫 陶国良 路波 香川利春School of Mechanical EngineeringJiangsu University of Science and TechnologyZhenjiang 212003China Wuxi Pneumatic Technology Research Institute Co.Ltd.Wuxi 214072China State Key Laboratory of Fluid Power Transmission and ControlZhejiang UniversityHangzhou 310027China Boyan Pneumatic Technology Institute of NingboFenghua 315500China Precision and Intelligence LaboratoryTokyo Institute of TechnologyYokohama 226-8503Japan 
Air film conveyors equipped with porous pads have been developed to bring the liquid crystal display(LCD) into a non-contact state during transportation process. In this work, a theoretical model including flow proper...
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《中国光学》2020年 第4期13卷 822-831页
作者:吕博 冯睿 寇伟 刘伟奇中国科学院长春光学精密机械与物理研究所吉林长春130033 
Anchoring effect and energy-absorbing support mechanism of large deformation bolt
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《Journal of Central South University》2021年 第2期28卷 572-581页
作者:ZHAO Tong-bin XING Ming-lu GUO wei-yao WANG Cun-wen WANG boCollege of Energy and Mining EngineeringShandong University of Science and TechnologyQingdao 266590China State Key Laboratory of Mining Disaster Prevention and Control Co-founded by Shandong Province and the Ministry of Science and TechnologyShandong University of Science and TechnologyQingdao 266590China Shandong Energy Group Co.Ltd.Jinan 250014China Beijing Haohua Hongqingliang Co.Ltd.Ordos 014316China 
To research the anchoring effect of large deformation bolt,tensile and drawing models are ***,the evolution laws of drawing force,bolt axial force and interfacial shear stress are ***,the influence of structure elemen...
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《计算机研究与发展》2012年 第9期49卷 2027-2035页
作者:王友瑞 石伟 王志英 陆洪毅 苏博国防科学技术大学计算机学院长沙410073 
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