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《国际结核病与肺部疾病杂志》2008年 第2期3卷 78-83页
作者:O. Ferroussier M.K.A. Kumar R. K. Dewan P.K.J. Nair S. Sahu D. F. Wares K. Laserson c. wells R. Granic. L. S. c.auhan 刘宇红(译) 何广学(校) 王雪静(审)International Research and Programs Branch Division of Tuberculosis Elimination Canters for Disease Control and Prevention Atlanta Georgia USA District Health Office Kannur Office of the World Health Organization Representative to India New Delhi Central Tuberculosis Division Directorate General of Health Services Ministry of Health and Family Welfare New Delhi India 不详 
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《国际结核病与肺部疾病杂志》2008年 第1期3卷 29-34页
作者:K. P. c.in N. Kanara K. F. Laserson c. Vannarith K. Sameourn K. Samnang M. L.Qualls c. D. wells J. K. Varma 王冬梅(译) 王雪静(校) 何广学(审)Division of Tuberculosis EliminationCenters for Disease Control and Prevention Atlanta Epidemic Intelligence Service Office of Workforce and Career Development Centers for Disease Control and Prevention AtlantaGeorgia USA Centers for Disease Control Global AIDS Program-Cambodia Phnom Penh Cambodia Ministry of Health Banteay Meanchey Provincial Health Department Provincial AIDS Office SiSiphonCambodia Thailand Ministry of Public Health-US CDC Collaboration Nonthaburi Thailand 不详 
地点:柬埔寨Banteay Meanc.ey省。目的:世界卫生组织建议在结核病和艾滋病双重感染流行的国家,对所有的结核病人进行艾滋病病毒(HIV)检测,并对所有HIV感染者和病人进行结核病筛查。本文探求在东南亚国家是否有证据支持这一建议的可行性...
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