
检索条件"作者=Carol A. Costello"
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Physica. a.tivity, Screen Time, a.d Preva.ence of Overweight/Obesity a.ong a.olescents in a.Crea.ive, Problem-Solving Progra.
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《Food a.d Nutrition Sciences》2012年 第4期3卷 568-578页
作者:Jill M. Ma.les Eugene C. Fitzhugh carol a. costello Na.ma.Mousta.d-Moussa Da.id R. Ba.set Ma.sha.L. Spence Betty P. GreerDepartment of Animal Science The University of Tennessee Knoxville USA Department of Exercise and Sport Science East Carolina University Greenville USA Department of Exercise Sport and Leisure Studies The University of Tennessee Knoxville USA Department of Nutrition The University of Tennessee Knoxville USA Department of Retail Hospitality and Tourism Management The University of Tennessee Knoxville USA Institute of Agriculture AgResearch The University of Tennessee Knoxville USA. 
Certa.n dieta.y, physica. a.tivity, a.d sedenta.y beha.iors ha.e been studied extensively a.d consistently ha.e been found to be a.socia.ed with childhood overweight a.d obesity Productive sedenta.y-to-light a.tivity ...
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