
检索条件"作者=Cho K"
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A Study of Design Optimization Using Response Surface Analysis and Fabricaiton MEMS Probe Tip
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《Journal of Applied Mathematics and Physics》2015年 第2期3卷 201-207页
作者:k. B. kim J. W. Lee S. J. Ha Y. k. cho M. W. choDepartment of Mechanical Engineering Inha University Incheon Republic of Korea Division of Mechanical Engineering Inha University Incheon Republic of Korea 
In semiconductor manufacturing process, probe station that is testing equipment is important. Inspection step is for detecting defects on semiconductor before the packaging. Probe card is a part of probe station and c...
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《中华高血压杂志》2015年 第7期23卷 607-607页
作者:李金凤 叶鹏 Tian M Ajay V Dunzhu D Hameed S Li X Liu Z Li C Chen H cho k Li R Zhao X Jindal D Rawal I Ali Mk Peterson ED Ji J Amarchand R krishnan A Tandon N Xu LQ Wu Y Prab-hakaran D Yan L 
在中国和印度边远地区,治疗心血管病的经济负担十分沉重,但是这些地区经济落后,医疗保健资源有限。该研究旨在设计和评估由社区医护人员(community health workers,CHW)实施,
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《中国给水排水》2024年 第6期40卷 97-102页
作者:杨洪兴 沈志成 姚尧 曹炳豪 谢景耀 李立楚香港理工大学建筑环境及能源工程学系中国香港 香港特别行政区政府水务署中国香港 
Materials Design on the Origin of Gap States in a High-κ/GaAs Interface
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《Engineering》2015年 第3期1卷 372-377页
作者:Weichao Wang Cheng Gong ka Xiong Santosh k.C. Robert M.Wallace kyeongjae choDepartment of Materials Science and Engineering The University of Texas at Dallas College of Electronic Information and Optical Engineering Nankai University 
Given the demand for constantly scaling micro- electronic devices to ever smaller dimensions, a SiO2 gate dielectric was substituted with a higher dielectric-constant material, Hf(Zr)O2, in order to minimize current...
Optimization of casting conditions for heat and abrasion resistant large grey iron castings
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《China Foundry》2007年 第2期4卷 124-127页
作者:S. M. Yoo Y. S. cho C. C. Lee J. H. kim C. H. kim J. k. choiCenter for e-DesignKorea Institute of Industrial TechnologyYeonsugu Sondodong 7-47Incheon 406-800Korea Kwanghee Casting Mfg. Co.Seogu Kyungseodong 381-75Incheon 404-170Korea R&D Center Doosan Engine Co. Ltd. Sinchondong 69-3 Changwon 641-370 Korea 
Numerical simulation technology was applied for optimizing the casting design and conditions in large cast iron castings for marine engine. By the simulation of mold filling and solidification sequences the problems o...
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《轮胎工业》2014年 第1期34卷 20-29页
作者:J.R.cho H.W.Lee W.B.Jeong k.M.Jeong k.W.kim 肖大玲(摘译) 吴淑华(校) 徐立(校)SchoolofMechanicalEngineeringPusanNationalUniversityKumjung-KuPusan609-735SouthKorea ResearchandDevelopmentInstituteofMidasITGyeonggi463-400SouthKorea R&DCenterofKumhoTireCo.LtdGwangju500-757SouthKorea 北京橡胶工业研究设计院 
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《临床骨科杂志》2015年 第6期18卷 739-739页
作者:Lee Y k Ha Y C cho Y J 李军 
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