
检索条件"作者=David A Jackson"
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《电网技术》2010年 第12期34卷 136-141页
作者:查鲲鹏 温家良 王高勇 杨晓楠 周军川 高冲 david a jackson中国电力科学研究院北京市海淀区100192 AREVA输配电集团 
对灵宝扩建工程6英寸换流阀的设计、绝缘和运行试验进行了介绍,并给出了试验电路拓扑。灵宝扩建工程是世界上首次基于6英寸晶闸管换流阀将额定直流电流提升至4 500 A的工程实践。直流换流阀的设计是直流输电工程的关键技术之一,直接影...
Foreword on the Contribution of the University of Kent's Applied Optics Group to the Field of Fiber Optics Sensors
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《Photonic Sensors》2011年 第2期1卷 97-101页
作者:david A. jacksonApplied Optics Group School of Physical Sciences University of Kent Canterbury CT2 7NH UK 
Introduction In this special issue of Photonic Sensors the research activities of some of the (ex) members of the Applied Optics Group (AOG) at the University of Kent (UoK) will present brief details of their re...
Chronological Restoration of Fort Frontenac in 3D for Heritage Visualization
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《Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture》2015年 第12期9卷 1463-1473页
作者:Mitsuyoshi Yabe Elizabeth Goins Chris jackson david Halbstein Shaun Foster Sue BazelyDepartment of Visual Communication Design Rochester Institute af Technology Rochester 10605 New York USA Department of Cultural Materials Science and Fine Arts Rochester Institute of Technology Rochester 10605 New York USA Cataraqui Archaeological Research Foundation Kingston K7L 1E1 Ontario. Canada 
This paper is composed of three elements: 3D modeling, web design and heritage visualization on the basis of the chronological restoration of Fort Frontenac in 1673, 1675, 1680, 1685 and 1688, changing from narrow an...
Historical Canadian Fortress in the Latest Technology
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《Journal of Earth Science and Engineering》2015年 第5期5卷 271-279页
作者:Mitsuyoshi Yabe Elizabeth Goins Chris jackson david Halbstein Shaun Foster Sue BazelyDepartment of Visual Communication Design Rochester Institute of Technology Rochester 14623 New York USA Department of Cultural Materials Science and Fine Arts Rochester Institute of Technology Rochester 14623 New York USA Cataraqui Archaeological Research Foundation Kingston K7L 1El Ontario Canada 
The paper examines thoroughly how utilizing the latest technology, such as a PC (personal computer), an iPad, or an iPhone, can entertain many people and allow them to learn about the archaeological findings that ha...
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