
检索条件"作者=David A. Hart"
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Perspectives on endogenous a.d exogenous tissue engineering following injury to tissues of the knee
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《Journa. of Biomedica. Science a.d Engineering》2014年 第2期7卷 58-66页
作者:david a. hartMcCaig Institute for Bone & Joint Health University of Calgary Calgary Canada The Centre for Hip Health & Mobility Department of Family Practice University of British Columbia Vancouver Canada 
The knee is a.multi-component orga. system comprised of severa. tissues which function coordina.ely to provide mobility. Injury to a.y one component compromises the integrity of the system a.d lea.s to a.a.ta.ion of t...
Why Mesenchyma. Stem/Progenitor Cell Heterogeneity in Specific Environments? <br/>—Implica.ions for Tissue Engineering a.plica.ions Following Injury or Degenera.ion of Connective Tissues
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《Journa. of Biomedica. Science a.d Engineering》2014年 第8期7卷 526-532页
作者:david a. hartMcCaig Institute for Bone & Joint Health University of Calgary Calgary Canada 
Mesenchyma. stem/progenitor cells (MSC/MPC) from a.va.iety of tissue sources (bone ma.row, a.ipose tissue, fa. pa.s, synovia. membra.es, synovia. fluid, skin, muscle a.d periostea. tissue) ha.e been widely a.plied for...
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