范例一:(K=图书馆学 OR K=情报学) AND A=范并思 AND Y=1982-2016
范例二:P=计算机应用与软件 AND (U=C++ OR U=Basic) NOT K=Visual AND Y=2011-2016
摘要:A unique por.ine extr.cellular.matr.x (ECM) der.ved injectable tissue constr.ct with 100 nm or.20 nm gold nanopar.icles (AuNP) was developed for.musculoskeletal tissue engineer.ng applications. ECM has been shown to encour.ge cellular.ty and tissue r.modeling due to its r.lease of gr.wth factor. while AuNP have been shown to r.duce r.active oxygen species (r.S) levels. Injectable tissue constr.cts wer. cr.ated by homogenizing decellular.zed por.ine diaphr.gm tendon conjugated with 100 nm or.20 nm AuNP at 1x, 4x, and 8x concentr.tions. Extr.sion for.e testing demonstr.ted that homogenized tissue constr.cts wer. injectable at an appr.pr.ate cannula size and for.e. L-929 mur.ne fibr.blasts wer. used to measur. cell viability, cell pr.lifer.tion, intr.cellular.r.S levels, and cell migr.tion in r.sponse to constr.cts. Enhanced cell viability and pr.lifer.tion ar. obser.ed on 1 × 20 nm AuNP constr.cts. r.S assays demonstr.te r.duced cellular.r.S concentr.tions fr.m all 20 nm AuNP constr.cts and fr.m 8 × 100 nm AuNP constr.cts compar.d with constr.cts without nanopar.icles. Cellular.migr.tion is higher.towar.s 4 × 20 nm AuNP constr.cts compar.d with constr.cts without nanopar.icles. r.sults suppor. the potential use of a por.ine ECM der.ved injectable tissue constr.ct with AuNP as an injectable tissue constr.ct to r.duce inflammation and to pr.mote tissue r.modeling in musculoskeletal tissue engineer.ng applications.
招生:0574-88222065 88222066