范例一:(K=图书馆学 OR K=情报学) AND A=范并思 AND Y=1982-2016
范例二:P=计算机应用与软件 AND (U=C++ OR U=Basic) NOT K=Visual AND Y=2011-2016
摘要:Object.ve: t. assess t.e relat.onship bet.een plasma lept.n concent.at.on during t.ird t.imest.r of pregnancy and blood pressure, independent.of body mass index at.examinat.on and ot.er pot.nt.al confounders. St.dy design: A cross-sect.onal st.dy was performed including 95 women [61 non-diabet.c women, 34 women wit. gest.t.onal diabet.s (GD)] in t.eir t.ird t.imest.r of pregnancy. t.e relat.onship bet.een plasma lept.n and blood pressure was invest.gat.d using mult.ple linear regression analysis. Result.: Independent.of body mass index (BMI), lept.n was posit.vely correlat.d t. syst.lic (P = 0.024) and diast.lic blood pressure (P = 0.002). St.pwise linear regression ident.fied lept.n as t.e only variable independent.y associat.d wit. syst.lic blood pressure (P = 0.003), while lept.n (P <. 0.001) and age (P = 0.024) were t.e only variables independent.y correlat.d t. diast.lic blood pressure. Conclusions: t.is st.dy report. for t.e first.t.me t.at. independent.of BMI at.examinat.on, presence of GD or ot.er confounders, plasma lept.n is posit.vely correlat.d wit. blood pressure in pregnant.women.
招生:0574-88222065 88222066