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《稀有金属材料与工程》2018年 第4期47卷 1205-1209页
作者:王恒 栗卓新 Wolfgang Tillmann Kim hee Jin北京工业大学北京100124 多特蒙德工业大学 韩国工业技术研究院 
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《河北大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》2015年 第1期40卷 25-30,160页
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《国际商业技术》2012年 第3期 64-65页
作者:hee Sun Kim Young Rok Park 朱娱(全译) 
690 MPa级以上高强钢焊接熔敷金属微观组织及其联合贝氏体的研究进展
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《中国材料进展》2019年 第12期38卷 1169-1176页
作者:栗卓新 苏小虎 李红 KIM hee Jin北京工业大学材料科学与工程学院北京100124 韩国工业技术研究院天安330825 
690 MPa级以上高强钢的发展和工程应用受限于缺乏与其强韧性相匹配的焊接材料,其根本原因是以针状铁素体为主的690 MPa级以下高强钢熔敷金属的强韧化理论已经不能指导新一代高强钢焊接熔敷金属的设计。因此,解决该问题的关键是寻求最佳...
Biofabrication of nanocomposite-based scaffolds containing human bone extracellularmatrix for the differentiation of skeletal stem and progenitor cells
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《Bio-Design and Manufacturing》2024年 第2期7卷 121-136页
作者:Yang-hee Kim Janos M.Kanczler Stuart Lanham Andrew Rawlings Marta Roldo Gianluca Tozzi Jonathan I.Dawson Gianluca Cidonio Richard O.C.OreffoFaculty of MedicineBone and Joint Research GroupCentre for Human DevelopmentStem Cells and RegenerationInstitute of Developmental SciencesUniversity of SouthamptonSouthampton SO166YDUK School of Pharmacy and Biomedical ScienceUniversity of PortsmouthPortsmouth PO12DTUK School of EngineeringFaculty of Engineering and ScienceUniversity of GreenwichGreenwich ME44TBUK Center for Life Nano-and Neuro-Science(CLN2S)Italian Institute of Technology00161 RomeItaly 
Autograft or metal implants are routinely used in skeletal ***,they fail to provide long-term clinical resolution,necessitating a functional biomimetic tissue engineering *** use of native human bone tissue for synthe...
Development of a 3D subcutaneous construct containing insulin-producing beta cells using bioprinting
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《Bio-Design and Manufacturing》2022年 第2期5卷 265-276页
作者:Chi B.Ahn Ji-Hyun Lee Joo H.Kim Tae H.Kim hee-Sook Jun Kuk H.Son Jin W.LeeDepartment of Molecular MedicineCollege of MedicineGachon University155Gaetbeol-roYeonsu-kuIncheonRepublic of Korea Department of Health Sciences and TechnologyGAIHSTGachon University155Gaetbeol-roYeonsu-kuIncheonRepublic of Korea College of PharmacyGachon University191Hambangmoe-roYeonsu-kuIncheonRepublic of Korea Department Thoracic and Cardiovascular SurgeryGachon University Gil Medical CenterCollege of MedicineGachon University21Namdong-daero 774 beon-gilNamdong-guIncheonRepublic of Korea 
Type 1 diabetes is caused by insulin deficiency due to the loss of beta cells in the islets of *** severe cases,islet transplantation into the portal vein is ***,due to the loss of transplanted islets and the failure ...
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《外国文学研究》2019年 第3期41卷 16-32页
Design of 1 kbit antifuse one time programmable memory IP using dual program voltage
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《Journal of Central South University》2011年 第1期18卷 125-132页
作者:金丽妍 JANG Ji-Hye KIM Du-Hwi KIM Young-heeDepartment of Electronic EngineeringChangwon National University9 Sarim-DongChangwon 641-773Korea 
A 1 kbit antifuse one time programmable(OTP) memory IP,which is one of the non-volatile memory IPs,was designed and used for power management integrated circuits(ICs).A conventional antifuse OTP cell using a single po...
Design of 512-bit logic process-based single poly EEPROM IP
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《Journal of Central South University》2011年 第6期18卷 2036-2044页
作者:金丽妍 JANG Ji-Hye 余忆宁 HA Pan-Bong KIM Young-heeDepartment of Electronic Engineering Changwon National University 
A single poly EEPROM cell circuit sharing the deep N-well of a cell array was designed using the logic process. The proposed cell is written by the FN tunneling scheme and the cell size is 41.26 μm2, about 37% smalle...
The Spirit of the Age in Mathematics and Art: The Eastern and Western Perspective Painting
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《Journal of Mathematics and System Science》2014年 第1期4卷 56-68页
作者:Young hee KyeDepartment of Early Childhood Education Kosin. University194 Wachiro Yeongdo-Gu Busan 606-701 S. Korea 
Both mathematics and art consistently reflect the spirit of the age in which they arise. Consequently, the mathematics in China and in Korea during the Joseon Dynasty, in contrast to the deductive western mathematics,...
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