
检索条件"作者=Hong-Hui Wang"
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Mild and selective hydrogenation of CO2 into formic acid over electron-rich MoC nanocatalysts
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《Science Bulletin》2020年 第8期65卷 651-657,M0004页
作者:hong-hui wang Shi-Nan Zhang Tian-Jian Zhao Yong-Xing Liu Xi Liu Juan Su Xin-Hao Li Jie-Sheng ChenSchool of Chemistry and Chemical EngineeringShanghai Jiao Tong UniversityShanghai 200240China SynCat@BeijingSynfuels China Technology Co.LtdBeijing 101407China State Key Laboratory of Inorganic Synthesis and Preparative ChemistryCollege of ChemistryJilin UniversityChangchun 130012China 
The direct hydrogenation of CO2 using H2 gas is a one-stone-two-birds route to produce highly valueadded hydrocarbon compounds and to lower the CO2 level in the ***,the transformation of CO2 and H2 into hydrocarbons h...
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《微电机》2009年 第10期42卷 5-7页
作者:李金飞 秦海鸿 陈志辉 王慧贞 严仰光南京航空航天大学航空电源航空科技重点实验室南京210016 
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《天津理工大学学报》2009年 第4期25卷 16-18页
作者:李纪红 赵辉 王红君 岳有军天津理工大学自动化学院天津300384 
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《中国烟草学报》2025年 第1期31卷 93-100页
作者:刘抗抗 洪杰 张殿兴 齐海涛 王超超 李辉 杨江涛 董训伟上海烟草机械有限责任公司技术中心上海市201206 秦皇岛烟草机械有限责任公司河北省秦皇岛市066318 福建中烟工业有限责任公司技术中心福建省厦门市361021 北京朔和科技有限公司北京市海淀区100080 
【目的】为提高烟叶分级的自动化和智能化水平,研究粘连烟叶的离散化方法。【方法】设计粘连烟叶离散化方法和装置,通过烟叶自身翻滚、碰撞和弯曲剪切破坏烟叶间粘附状态,按照1000 kg/h生产能力对粘连烟叶的离散化效果进行测试。【结果...
Engineering broad-spectrum disease-resistant rice by editing multiple susceptibility genes
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《Journal of Integrative Plant Biology》2021年 第9期63卷 1639-1648页
作者:hui Tao Xuetao Shi Feng He Dan wang Ning Xiao hong Fang Ruyi wang Fan Zhang Min wang Aihong Li Xionglun Liu Guo-Liang wang Yuese NingCollege of AgronomyHunan Agricultural UniversityChangsha 410128China State Key Laboratory for Biology of Plant Diseases and Insect PestsInstitute of Plant ProtectionChinese Academy of Agricultural SciencesBeijing 100193China Department of Plant PathologyThe Ohio State UniversityColumbusOH43210USA Institute of Agricultural Sciences for Lixiahe Region in JiangsuYangzhou 225009China 
Rice blast and bacterial blight are important diseases of rice(Oryza sativa)caused by the fungus Magnaporthe oryzae and the bacterium Xanthomonas oryzae ***(Xoo),*** rice varieties for broadspectrum resistance is cons...
Understanding the stability and reactivity of ultrathin tellurium nanowires in solution: An emerging platform for chemical transformation and material design
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《Nano Research》2015年 第4期8卷 1081-1097页
作者:Liang Xu Hai-Wei Liang hui-hui Li Kai wang Yuan Yang Lu-Ting Song Xu wang Shu-hong YuDivision of Nanomaterials and Chemistry Hefei National Laboratory for Physical Sciences at Microscale Collaborative InnovationCenter of Suzhou Nano Science and Technology Department of Chemistry University of Science and Technology of China Hefei230026 China 
The stability and reactivity of nanomaterials are of crucial importance for their application, but the long-term effects of stability and reactivity of nanomaterials under practical conditions are still not well under...
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《中国美容整形外科杂志》2016年 第10期27卷 592-595页
作者:徐文龙 曲妙轩 刘欢 周彩虹 王会勇上海喜美医疗美容门诊部上海200235 
目的 分析改良鼻翼缩小术的临床疗效.方法 对鼻翼基底部肥厚患者采取改良鼻翼缩小术治疗.将切口延伸到鼻孔前庭,使切除后的鼻翼组织结构整体向内部推移,设计三角减张皮瓣使切口内外侧缘无张力愈合,以减小瘢痕,使鼻外形立体圆润.结果 本...
Development of a rapid test kit for SARS-CoV-2:an example of product design
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《Bio-Design and Manufacturing》2020年 第2期3卷 83-86页
作者:Zhanfeng Cui hong Chang hui wang Boon Lim Chia-Chen Hsu Yejiong Yu huidong Jia Yun wang Yida Zeng Mengmeng Ji Weizhi Liu Catriona Inverarity Wei E.HuangOxford Suzhou Centre for Advanced Research(OSCAR)University of OxfordSuzhouJiangsuPeople's Republic of China Department of Engineering ScienceUniversity of OxfordParks RoadOxford OX13PJUK Department of Engineering ScienceInstitute of Biomedical EngineeringUniversity of OxfordOxford OX37DQUK 
We present an example of applying'need-driven'product design principle to the development of a rapid test kit to detect SARS-COV-2(COVID-19).The tests are intended for use in the field and,longer term,for home...
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《包装工程》2020年 第6期41卷 7-12页
作者:王晓慧 覃京燕 全烘辰北京科技大学 
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《中国药理学通报》2025年 第2期41卷 399-400页
作者:王兆南 姜楚洋 李家豪 姜洪亮 赵子苇 赵乐 王永辉 李艳彦山西中医药大学基础医学院山西晋中030619 中国中医科学院中医基础理论研究所北京100700 
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