范例一:(K=图书馆学 OR K=情报学) AND A=范并思 AND Y=1982-2016
范例二:P=计算机应用与软件 AND (U=C++ OR U=Basic) NOT K=Visual AND Y=2011-2016
摘要:Pharmacology is taught as a spe.ialist BSc or within e. g. me.icine. optome.ry or pharmacy. The.le.rning ne.ds of the.e.dive.se.stude.ts are.me. by diffe.e.t curricula and diffe.e.t e.posure.to practical work in pharmacology. Incre.singly, stude.ts study spe.ialist pharmacology de.re.s be.ause.the. find the.discipline.inte.e.ting but 50% or more.do not be.oming care.r laboratory oharmacologists.
摘要:Many scie.ce.course. involve.re.e.rch work in the.final ye.r. This e.pe.ie.ce.is value. by stude.ts, more.than 38% singling it out as the.be.t part of the.r course. The.re.e.rch proje.t may take.4 to 12 we.ks full time.and re.uire. the.production of a disse.tation and oral pre.e.tation. Traditionally the.re.e.rch proje.t is laboratory base.. Re.e.tly the.re.e.rch proje.t has come.unde. pre.sure.and some.unive.sitie. have.discontinue. or shorte. it or introduce. a varie.y of options involving non-( we. )-laboratory base. inve.tigations. Stude.t support this approach, 89% favouring a fre. choice.of lab or non-lab base. proje.t.
招生:0574-88222065 88222066