
检索条件"作者=Ian E. Hughes"
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O11 What are.the.le.rning obje.tive. of practical classe. in pharmacology for diffe.e.t Course.
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《中国药理通讯》2006年 第2期23卷 9-10页
作者:ian e. hughesCentre for Bioscience Higher Education Academy Universiy of LeedsLeeds LS2 9JT UK. 
Pharmacology is taught as a spe.ialist BSc or within e. g. me.icine. optome.ry or pharmacy. The.le.rning ne.ds of the.e.dive.se.stude.ts are.me. by diffe.e.t curricula and diffe.e.t e.posure.to practical work in pharm...
O12 Practical proje.ts in final ye.r pharmacology
收藏 引用
《中国药理通讯》2006年 第2期23卷 10-10页
作者:ian e. hughesCentre for Bioscience Higher Education Academy University of Leeds Leeds LS2 9JT UK. 
Many scie.ce.course. involve.re.e.rch work in the.final ye.r. This e.pe.ie.ce.is value. by stude.ts, more.than 38% singling it out as the.be.t part of the.r course. The.re.e.rch proje.t may take.4 to 12 we.ks full tim...
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