范例一:(K=图书馆学 OR K=情报学) AND A=范并思 AND Y=1982-2016
范例二:P=计算机应用与软件 AND (U=C++ OR U=Basic) NOT K=Visual AND Y=2011-2016
摘要:Modern high-level programming languages often contain constructs whose semantics are non-trivial. In practice however, software developers generally restrict the use of such constructs to settings in which their semantics is simple (programmers use language constructs in ways they understand and can reason about). As a result, when developing tools for analyzing and manipulating software, a disproportionate amount of effort ends up being spent developing capabilities needed to analyze constructs in settings that are infrequently used. This paper takes the position that such distinctions between theory and practice are an important measure of the analyzability of a language.
摘要:许多人会认为薪酬政策是一个与公共服务动机无关、主要关注外在报酬的领域。事实上,外在报酬和内在报酬是密不可分的。有关薪酬的研究,特别是有关绩效工资(Pay for Performance)的研究,与有关公共服务动机的研究经常是相互交错的。虽然薪酬和公共服务动机之间交错占主导,但薪酬政策的许多领域与公共服务动机高度相关。本文旨在强调薪酬政策与公共服务动机之间的交叉点,从研究中得出可以应用到实际薪酬政策中的推论,并找出如何根据公共服务动机校准薪酬政策的策略。
招生:0574-88222065 88222066