
22 条 记 录,以下是11-20 订阅
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《缤纷》2007年 第10期 84-89,91页
作者:Karim Rashid 刘峰 jean francois Jussaud 
设计师Karim Rashid和太太大多数时间生活在纽约的Loft里。谈起他们的Loft之家,Karim Rashid总是回味无限:"我设计了一个极具Cartesian式,并拥有白色环氧橡胶地板的画廊般的空间……"Karim Rashid太喜欢这间"画廊"...
Design and Modeling of Electromagnetic Impedance Surfaces to Reduce Coupling between Antennas
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《Wireless Engineering and Technology》2012年 第3期3卷 152-159页
作者:Yong S.Joe jean-francois D.Essiben Jangsik Cho Eric R.HedinCenter for Computational NanosciencesDepartment of Physics and AstronomyBall State UniversityMuncieUSA Department of Electrical EngineeringAdvanced Teachers’Training College for Technical EducationUniversity of DoualaDoualaCameroon Department of Informational StatisticsKyungsung UniversityBusanKorea. 
We study the coupling problem of two waveguide antennas using the design of a two-dimensional inhomogeneous impedance structure with a fixed reflected field. Since this structure enables electromagnetic compatibility ...
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《缤纷》2007年 第6期 86-93页
作者:Karim Rashid 刘峰 jean francois Jussaud 
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《橡胶科技》2004年 第11期6卷 10-12页
作者:jean-francois Fritsch美国Honeywell公司功能纤维欧洲产品部 
1 前言过去几年间,轮胎工业经历了一系列重大变革,包括材料的探索和归并、设计的变化。新型轮胎增强材料如尺寸稳定型聚酯和PEN纤维向人们展示出骨架材料的变化及其发展方向。汽车工业施加的价格压力迫使轮胎制造商采取诸如使用高模低...
Analysis and Design of Different Methods to Reach Optimum Power in Butler Matrix
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《International Journal of Communications, Network and System Sciences》2019年 第2期12卷 19-35页
作者:Shahideh Kiehbadroudinezhad jean-francois Bousquet Michael Cada Adib Shahabi Mohammad Ali KiehbadroudinezhadDepartment of Electrical and Computer EngineeringDalhousie UniversityHalifaxCanada Department of Mechanic of BiosystemsUniversity of TehranTehranIran 
With the increasing demand for high speed reliable communications, smart antennas, such as the Butler Matrix array, can be used to develop a system that increases the performance of a wireless system. The Butler matri...
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《橡胶科技》2004年 第12期6卷 16-17页
作者:jean-francois Fritsch 高称意美国Honeywell公司功能纤维欧洲产品部 
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《游艇业》2023年 第5期 86-97页
作者:王嘉图(编译) jean-francois ROMERO(图) Nicolas Claris(图) Prestige Yachts(图)不详 
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《流程工业》2015年 第15期 59-59页
作者:jean-francois Bore维萨拉公司 
世人一定听说过《蒙娜丽莎》(法语为La Joconde)这幅世界上最为著名的艺术品——人们也一定知道这幅艺术珍品珍藏在世界闻名的巴黎卢浮宫博物馆内。但世人可能不知道的是维萨拉以测量这幅艺术品玻璃柜内湿度与温度稳定性的方式参与了...
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《电子产品世界》2020年 第6期27卷 8-8页
作者:jean-francois LacasseMarvell公司基础设施处理器业务部 
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《国际脑血管病杂志》2019年 第2期27卷 84-97页
作者:Mauro Oddo Daniele Poole Raimund Helbok Geert Meyfroidt Nino Stocchetti Pierre Bouzat Maurizio Cecconi Thomas Geeraerts Ignacio-Martin Loeches Herve Quintard Fabio Silvio Taccone Romergryko G. Geocadin Claude Hemphill Carole Ichai David Menon jean-francois Payen Anders Perner Martin Smith Jose Suarez Walter Videtta Elisa R. Zanier Giuseppe Citerio 何毅华(译) 常远(译) 王晓蔷(译) 潘速跃(译)Department of Medic al-Surgical Intensive Care Medicine Faculty of Biology and Medicine Centre Hospitalier Universitaire VauDOIs (CHUV) Lhiversity of Lausanne Rue du Bugnon 46 B4 08.623 1011 Lausanne Switzerland Department of Intensive Care Medicine St James's Lhiversity Hospital James's St Ushers P.O. Box 580 Dublin & Ireland Service de Reanimation Medic o-chirurgic ale Hopital Pasteur 2 UniversiteCote d'Azur CHU de Nice 06000 Nice France Unite CNRS 7275 Sophia-Antipolis France Department of Intensive Care Erasme Hospital University Libre de Bruxelles Brussels Belgium Neurosciences Critical Care Departments of Anesthesiology and Critical Care Medicine Neurology and Neurosurgery Johns Hopkins Lhiversity Baltimore MD USA Department of Neurology University of California San Francisco San Francisco CA LKA Service de Reanimation Polyvalente Hopital Pasteur 2 CHU de Nice 30 Voie Romaine CS 51069 06001 Nice Cedex 1 France Division of Anaesthesia University of Cambridge Addenbrooke's Ffospital Box 93 Hfills Road Cambridge Cambridgeshire CB2 2QQ UK Department of Intensive Care 4131 Copenhagen University Hospital- Rigshospitalet Copenhagen Denmark Department of Neuroanesthesia and Neurocritic al Care The National Ffospital for Neurosurgery and Neurology Lhiversity College London Hospitals London UK Anesthesia and Intensive Care Operative th it S. Martino Hospital Belluno Italy Hospital Nacional Professor Alejandro Posadas Buenos Aires Argentina Department of Neurosciences IRCCS-Istituto di Ricerche Farmacotogiche Mario Negri Milan Italy School of Medicine and Surgery University of Milan-Bicocca Milan Italy Neurointensive Care San Gerardo Hospital ASST-Monza 20900 Monza Italy 南方医科大学南方医院神经内科广州510515 Neurological Intensive Care Lhit Department of Neurology Medical University of Innsbruck Innsbruck Austria Department of Intensive Care Medicine University Hospitals Leuven Louvain Belgium Neuroscience Intensive Care Unit Department of Anesthesia and C 
目的发布欧洲重症医学学会(European Society of Intensive Care Medicine, ESICM)关于神经重症监护患者液体治疗的专家共识和临床实践推荐意见。设计在2016年10月召开的ESICM LIVE 2016会议上召集了一个由22名国际专家组成的共识委员会...
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