
检索条件"作者=Jeong-Yong Park"
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《稀有金属材料与工程》2013年 第4期42卷 667-672页
作者:刘彦章 Hyun-Gil Kim jeong-yong park yong-Hwan jeong深圳中广核工程设计有限公司广东深圳518057 Korea Atomic Energy Research InstituteDaejeon 305-353Republic of Korea 
Load-Measuring Pot Bearing with Built-In Load Cell —Part I: Design and Performance
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《Engineering(科研)》2013年 第11期5卷 856-864页
作者:jeong-Rae Cho Young Jin Kim Jong-Won Kwark Sung yong park Won Jong Chin Byung-Suk KimStructural Engineering Research Division Korea Institute of Construction Technology Goyang-Si Korea 
This paper presents the underlying principle and the results of various performance evaluations for a load-measuring pot bearing with built-in load cell. The pot bearing composed of a pot made of steel in which an ela...
Comparative effects of artemisia vulgaris and charcoal moxa stimulating Zhongwan(CV 12) on body temperature in healthy participants:a cross-over single-blind randomized study
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《Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine》2015年 第5期35卷 551-557页
作者:Ho-Yeon Go Ju Ah Lee Sunyoung park Sunju park jeong-Su park Chunhoo Cheon Seong-Gyu Ko Kyung-Hwan Kong Chan-yong Jun Jong-hyeong park Mi-Ran Shin Se-Hoon LeeDepartment of Internal MedicineCollege of Korean MedicineSemyung University Department of Public HealthThe Catholic University of Korea Medical Research DivisionKorea Institute of Oriental Medicine Department of PhysiologyCollege of Korean MedicineSemyung University Department of Preventive MedicineCollege of Korean MedicineDaejeon University Center for Clin ical Research and GenomicsCollege of Oriental Medicine and Institu te of Oriental MedicineKyung Hee University Department of Internal MedicineCollege of Korean MedicineGachon University Department of Sasang Constitutional MedicineCollege of Korean MedicineSemyung University 
OBJECTIVE:To evaluate the efficacy,safety,satisfaction,discomfort and patient preference of moxa cones of artemisia vulgaris and charcoal ***:This comparative study of moxibustion treatment with Artemisia vulgaris and...
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