
检索条件"作者=Jia‐Wei He"
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Nitrogen‐doped graphene aerogel‐supported ruthenium nanocrystals for pH‐universal hydrogen evolution reaction
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《Chinese Journal of Catalysis》2022年 第6期43卷 1535-1543页
作者:Yu Ding Kai‐Wen Cao jia‐wei he Fu‐Min Li Hao Huang Pei Chen Yu ChenKey Laboratory of Macromolecular Science of Shaanxi ProvinceKey Laboratory of Applied Surface and Colloid Chemistry(Ministry of Education)Shaanxi Key Laboratory for Advanced Energy DevicesShaanxi Engineering Lab for Advanced Energy TechnologySchool of Materials Science and EngineeringShaanxi Normal UniversityXi’an 710062ShaanxiChina School of Sustainable Energy Materials and ScienceJinhua Advanced Research InstituteJinhua 321000ZhejiangChina 
The design and synthesis of high‐performance and low‐cost electrocatalysts for the hydrogen evolution reaction(heR),a key half‐reaction in water electrolysis,are *** to their modest hydrogen adsorption energy,ruthe...
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《制造业自动化》2023年 第11期45卷 125-128页
作者:吴雪峰 贾贺威 范玉河南理工大学焦作454000 
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《六盘水师范学院学报》2017年 第2期29卷 1-5页
作者:卫佳 杨和为六盘水师范学院中国语言文学系贵州六盘水553001 
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《电子与封装》2017年 第1期17卷 38-40页
作者:秦超 张伟 贾少雄 何英 李俊中国电子科技集团公司第二研究所太原030024 
滤波器作为通信系统的关键器件,其小型化具有重要意义。设计了一款带有衰减极点的层叠式LTCC低通滤波器,该无源滤波器截止频率fr=1 GHz,实际测试结果与仿真结果吻合较好。器件外形尺寸为3.0 mm×1.5 mm×1.2 mm,与EIA1206尺寸...
Optimization workflow for stimulation-well spacing design in a multiwell pad
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《Petroleum Exploration and Development》2019年 第5期46卷 1039-1050页
作者:WANG Junlei jia Ailin wei Yunsheng jia Chengye QI Yadong YUAN he JIN YiqiuResearch Institute of Petroleum Exploration and DevelopmentPetroChinaBeijing 100083China 
A flow mathematical model with multiple horizontal wells considering interference between wells and fractures was established by taking the variable width conductivity fractures as basic flow *** a semi-analytical app...
Rational drug design, synthesis, and biological evaluation of novel chiral tetrahydronaphthalene-fused spirooxindole as MDM2-CDK4 dual inhibitor against glioblastoma
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《Acta Pharmaceutica Sinica B》2020年 第8期10卷 1492-1510页
作者:Biao Wang Fu Peng wei Huang Jin Zhou Nan Zhang jia Sheng Phensinee Haruehanroengra Gu he Bo HanHospital of Chengdu University of Traditional Chinese MedicineState Key Laboratory of Southwestern Chinese Medicine ResourcesSchool of PharmacyChengdu University of Traditional Chinese MedicineChengdu 611137China State Key Laboratory of Biotherapy and Cancer CenterWest China HospitalSichuan University and Collaborative Innovation Center for BiotherapyChengdu 610041China Department of Chemistry and the RNA InstituteUniversity at AlbanyState University of New YorkAlbanyNY 12222USA 
Simultaneous inhibition of MDM2 and CDK4 may be an effective treatment against glioblastoma. A collection of chiral spirocyclic tetrahydronaphthalene(THN)-oxindole hybrids for this purpose have been developed. Appropr...
Design and reliability,availability,maintainability,and safety analysis of a high availability quadruple vital computer system
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《Journal of Zhejiang University-Science A(Applied Physics & Engineering)》2011年 第12期12卷 926-935页
作者:Ping TAN wei-ting he jia LIN Hong-ming ZHAO jian CHUState Key Laboratory of Industrial Control Technology & Institute of Cyber-Systems and Control Zhejiang University Hangzhou 310027 China hejiang Insigma-Supcon Co. Ltd. Hangzhou 310013 China 
With the development of high-speed railways in China,more than 2000 high-speed trains will be put into *** and efficiency of railway transportation is increasingly *** have designed a high availability quadruple vital...
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《化学世界》2017年 第2期58卷 81-85页
作者:黄月维 齐梁煜 李远辉 陆秋娜 李兆叠 韦家河 黄锁义右江民族医学院临床医学院广西百色533000 右江民族医学院药学院广西百色533000 广西高校右江流域特色民族药研究重点实验室广西百色533000 
Interface-induced formation of onion-like alloy nanocrystals by defects engineering
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《Nano Research》2016年 第2期9卷 584-592页
作者:wei jia Yuen Wu Yifeng Chen Dongsheng he Jinpeng Li Yu Wang Zhuo Wang wei Zhu Chen Chen Qing Peng Dingsheng Wang Yadong LiDepartment of Chemistry and Collaborative Innovation Center for Nanomaterial Science and Engineering Tsinghua UniversityBeijing 100084 China Center of Advanced Nanocatalysis University of Science and Technology of China (CAN-USTC) Hefei 230026 China 
The ability to controlled introduction of defects, particularly twin defects in Pt-based nanocrystals (NCs) provides a possibility to regulate the performance of Pt-based nanocatalyst. However, because of the high i...
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《包装工程》2015年 第24期36卷 105-109,114页
作者:卢维佳 何人可 肖狄虎湖南大学长沙410082 
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