范例一:(K=图书馆学 OR K=情报学) AND A=范并思 AND Y=1982-2016
范例二:P=计算机应用与软件 AND (U=C++ OR U=Basic) NOT K=Visual AND Y=2011-2016
摘要:为了解决现有光电编码器结构复杂、成本较高的问题,设计了一种基于图像识别光斑中心点的角度传感器。随着旋转轴转动的激光发射器发出的激光在底板上形成一个光斑,利用摄像头采集这个光斑的图像,通过高斯拟合法计算出光斑的中心点坐标,进而转换成对应的旋转角度。利用多项式拟合算法对采集到的角度—像素坐标之和曲线进行拟合分析,并采用高斯过程回归算法对传感器存在的非线性特性进行补偿。实验结果表明:采用高斯过程回归算法进行补偿后,传感器的非线性误差从7.745降低至2.840,测量精度达到了0.79°,其迟滞性、灵敏度和分辨率分别为±2.71%,2.502像素/(°)和2 735像素/(°)。
摘要:GPR40 has emerged as an attractive drug target for the treatment of type 2 diabetes due to its role in the enhancement of insulin secretion with glucose dependency. With the aim to improve the metabolic and safety profiles, a series of novel phenylpropionic acid derivatives were synthesized. Extensive structural optimization led to identification of compounds 22 g and 23 e as potent GPR40 agonists with moderate liver microsomal stability. All the discovery supported further exploration surrounding this scaffold.
摘要:以医学导论课程为例探索基于成果导向教育(Outcome-based Education,OBE)理念,将中华优秀传统文化融入思政教育的教学模式。以医学导论课程为例,在OBE理念的指导下,以产出为导向,逆向设计原有课程的教学模式,正向实施教学计划,让思政育人贯穿教学全环节;以思政教育为核心内容的导向,提取优秀传统文化的核心思政元素,建设教学案例库,体现课程思政育人价值;以学生为中心,创新教学方法,采用“线上+线下”双线混融式教学模式和“临床培养基地+理论教学基地”双基地直通车式教育实践模式,真正实现德育的有机融合;以评价为依据,采用“2+3+4”全过程评价体系,实现持续改进,持续提升思政育人效果。探索优秀传统文化教育要素的挖掘和思政资源库建设的有效途径,构建思政课程资源融入传统文化的教育模式,以提升其在课程建设及人才培养质量上的应用价值。
摘要:This paper proposes a comprehensive thermodynamic and economic model to predict and compare the performance of concentrated solar power plants with traditional and novel receivers with different configurations involving operating temperatures and *** simulation results reveal that power plants with novel receivers exhibit a superior thermodynamic and economic performance compared with traditional *** annual electricity productions of power plants with novel receivers in Phoenix,Sevilla,and Tuotuohe are 8.5%,10.5%,and 14.4%higher than those with traditional receivers at the outlet temperature of 550℃.The levelized cost of electricity of power plants with double-selectivecoated receivers can be decreased by 6.9%,8.5%,and 11.6%.In Phoenix,the optimal operating temperature of the power plants is improved from 500℃to 560℃by employing a novel ***,the sensitivity analysis of the receiver heat loss,solar absorption,and freeze protection temperature is also conducted to analyze the general rule of influence of the receiver performance on power plants *** absorption has a positive contribution to annual electricity productions,whereas heat loss and freeze protection temperature have a negative effect on electricity *** results indicate that the novel receiver coupled with low melting temperature molten salt is the best configuration for improving the overall performance of the power plants.
摘要:This paper presents various limitations of the current remote sensing data distribution models and proposes a new concept called the location-based instant satellite image service for a new generation of remote sensing image distribution *** essential feature of the service is that customers can subscribe to data based on the location of interest and satellite image data received by antenna will be distributed to customer’s terminal devices instantly after imaging over the subscribed *** workflow,architecture,and key technologies of the new generation data distribution system are *** system is composed of four parts:data comprehensive processing component,data management component,product distribution component,and data display *** on this,a prototype system is developed,which demonstrates the promising service model with great potential for increased usage in many applications.
摘要:为探究光伏区异质环境对新疆伊犁哈萨克自治州荒漠草地土壤理化特性影响,根据光伏板空间布局将取样位置划分为光伏板间、光伏板前檐、光伏板下方、光伏板后檐以及光伏板外(对照组)5种处理,并对其不同土层的土壤理化特性及土壤化学计量特征进行分析研究。结果表明:光伏板处理区土壤含水量显著增加,其中10~30 cm土层土壤含水量平均增加62.35%;总体上,pH值、电导率和全氮无显著性差异,其中光伏板处理区的0~30 cm土层土壤pH值范围在8.51~8.75,电导率范围在364.40~538.07μS·cm^(-1),全氮范围在1.58~2.03 g·kg^(-1);除20~30 cm土层前檐N∶P显著低于对照,其余各土层C∶N,C∶P和N∶P无显著性差异;光伏板处理区部分取样位置土壤化学计量特征高于对照;相关性分析表明C∶N和SOC,C∶P和SOC,C∶P和C∶N,N∶P和TN,N∶P和C∶P存在极显著正相关性(P<0.01)。综上,光伏区异质环境能够改善该地区荒漠草地土壤理化特性,为今后草地植被的恢复和后续草种补播提供了有利参考依据。
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