
检索条件"作者=Jing-Lu Tang"
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Pseudo-spinodal mechanism approach to designing a near-βhigh-strength titanium alloy through high-throughput technique
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《Rare Metals》2021年 第8期40卷 2099-2108页
作者:Li-Gang Zhang jing-lu tang Zhen-Yu Wang jing-Ya Zhou Di Wu Li-Bin Liu Patrick J.MassetSchool of Material Science and EngineeringCentral South UniversityChangsha410083China Key Laboratory of Nonferrous Metallic Materials Science and EngineeringMinistry of EducationChangsha410083China State Key Laboratory of Powder MetallurgyChangsha410083China Faculty of Mechanical EngineeringKoszalin University of TechnologyKoszalin75-453Poland 
The main reason for the high strength in near-βtitanium alloys is the ultrafine precipitation of the acicular secondary a phase in theβ*** purpose of this study is to use the pseudo-spinodal mechanism to obtain the ...
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《计算机工程与应用》2002年 第7期38卷 183-187页
作者:李靖 卢均 汤向平 陈谦 纪效鹏解放军第二炮兵第二研究所北京100085 
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《山东科学》2017年 第1期30卷 64-68页
作者:李小凡 赵庆超 吕京生 唐亮 王洪忠 马龙中海石油(中国)有限公司上海分公司,上海 200335 山东省科学院激光研究所山东 济南 250014 胜利油田新胜石油物探技术服务有限责任公司山东 东营 257086 
为实现对尾矿库的安全渗压实时监测,设计了一种波纹膜片结构封装的光纤布拉格光栅渗压传感器,通过材料及温度光栅双温度补偿,剔除了环境温度的影响。实测结果表明,该光纤光栅传感器量程为0~20 k Pa,压力灵敏度为27.8 pm/k Pa,线性拟合...
Conceptual design and update of the 128-channel μSR prototype spectrometer based on musrSim
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《Nuclear Science and Techniques》2019年 第8期30卷 50-58页
作者:Zi-Wen Pan jing-Yu Dong Xiao-Jie Ni lu-Ping Zhou jing-Yu tang Daniel E.Pooley Stephen P.Cottrell Bang-Jiao YeState Key Laboratory of Particle Detection and ElectronicsUniversity of Science and Technology of ChinaHefei 230026China Institute of High Energy PhysicsChinese Academy of SciencesBeijing 100049China University of Chinese Academy of SciencesBeijing 100049China ISIS FacilitySTFC Rutherford Appleton LaboratoryChiltonOxfordshire OX11 0QXUK 
An experimental muon source(EMuS) will be built at the China Spallation Neutron Source(CSNS). In phase I of CSNS, it has been decided that EMuS will provide a proton beam of 5 kW and 1.6 GeV to generate muon beams. A ...
Engineering an ultrathin amorphous TiO2 layer for boosting the weatherability of TiO2 pigment with high lightening power
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《Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering》2019年 第11期27卷 2825-2834页
作者:Yangyang Yu Kejing Wu Shiyu lu Kui Ma Shan Zhong Hegui Zhang Yingming Zhu jing Guo Hairong Yue Changjun Liu Siyang tang Bin LiangLow-Carbon Technology and Chemical Reaction Engineering LaboratorySchool of Chemical EngineeringSichuan UniversityChengdu 610065China Institute of New Energy and Low-Carbon TechnologySichuan UniversityChengdu 610207China Institute for Clean Energy&Advanced MaterialsFaculty of Materials and EnergySouthwest UniversityChongqing 400715China Shanxi Province Key Laboratory of Higee-Oriented Chemical EngineeringNorth University of ChinaTaiyuan 030051China 
TiO2 pigments are typically coated with inert layers to suppress the photocatalytic activity and improve the weatherability. However, the traditional inert layers have a lower refractive index compared to TiO2, and th...
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《排灌机械工程学报》2019年 第1期37卷 38-42页
作者:陆静 汤跃 程俊江苏大学国家水泵及系统工程技术研究中心江苏镇江212013 
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《电子学报》2014年 第6期42卷 1179-1185页
作者:唐朝京 鲁智勇 冯超国防科技大学电子科学与工程学院湖南长沙410073 中国洛阳电子装备试验中心河南洛阳471003 
Very high baseline HIV viremia impairs efficacy of non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitor-based ART:a longterm observation in treatment-naïve patients
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《Infectious Diseases of Poverty》2020年 第3期9卷 144-145页
作者:Shuai Chen Yang Han Xiao-jing Song Yan-ling Li Ting Zhu Hong-Zhou lu Xiao-Ping tang Tong Zhang Min Zhao Yun He Sheng-Hua He Min Wang Yong-Zhen Li Shao-Biao Huang Yong Li jing Liu Wei Cao Tai-Sheng LiDepartment of Infectious DiseasesPeking Union Medical College HospitalChinese Academy of Medical SciencesNo.1 ShuaifuyuanWangfujing StreetBeijing 100730China 不详 
Background:It is not completely clear whether a very high pre-therapy viral load(≥500000 copies/ml)can impair the virological *** aim of this study was to examine the influence of very high baseline HIV-RNA levels on...
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《计算机辅助设计与图形学学报》2016年 第5期28卷 777-784页
作者:唐勇 毛菊珍 赵静 吕梦雅 张利卫 唐川宁燕山大学信息科学与工程学院秦皇岛066004 河北省计算机虚拟技术与系统集成重点实验室秦皇岛066004 
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《通信学报》2010年 第4期31卷 94-102页
作者:鲁智勇 冯超 余辉 唐朝京国防科技大学电子科学与工程学院湖南长沙410073 六三八八零部队河南洛阳471003 
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