
检索条件"作者=Jing-Yu Tang"
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Conceptual design and update of the 128-channel μSR prototype spectrometer based on musrSim
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《Nuclear Science and Techniques》2019年 第8期30卷 50-58页
作者:Zi-Wen Pan jing-yu Dong Xiao-Jie Ni Lu-Ping Zhou jing-yu tang Daniel E.Pooley Stephen P.Cottrell Bang-Jiao YeState Key Laboratory of Particle Detection and ElectronicsUniversity of Science and Technology of ChinaHefei 230026China Institute of High Energy PhysicsChinese Academy of SciencesBeijing 100049China University of Chinese Academy of SciencesBeijing 100049China ISIS FacilitySTFC Rutherford Appleton LaboratoryChiltonOxfordshire OX11 0QXUK 
An experimental muon source(EMuS) will be built at the China Spallation Neutron Source(CSNS). In phase I of CSNS, it has been decided that EMuS will provide a proton beam of 5 kW and 1.6 GeV to generate muon beams. A ...
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《工程力学》2025年 第1期42卷 174-188页
作者:李正良 唐正奇 杨靖波 俞登科 冯衡 郭莹重庆大学土木工程学院重庆400045 电力规划总院有限公司北京100120 中南电力设计院有限公司武汉430071 
Pseudo-spinodal mechanism approach to designing a near-βhigh-strength titanium alloy through high-throughput technique
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《Rare Metals》2021年 第8期40卷 2099-2108页
作者:Li-Gang Zhang jing-Lu tang Zhen-yu Wang jing-Ya Zhou Di Wu Li-Bin Liu Patrick J.MassetSchool of Material Science and EngineeringCentral South UniversityChangsha410083China Key Laboratory of Nonferrous Metallic Materials Science and EngineeringMinistry of EducationChangsha410083China State Key Laboratory of Powder MetallurgyChangsha410083China Faculty of Mechanical EngineeringKoszalin University of TechnologyKoszalin75-453Poland 
The main reason for the high strength in near-βtitanium alloys is the ultrafine precipitation of the acicular secondary a phase in theβ*** purpose of this study is to use the pseudo-spinodal mechanism to obtain the ...
Tailored properties of a novelly-designed press-hardened 22MnMoB steel
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《Journal of Iron and Steel Research International》2017年 第5期24卷 508-512页
作者:Ming-bo Zhou jing-lin tang Jie Yang Cun-yu WangKey Laboratory of Advanced Forging & Stamping Technology and Science (Yanshan University) Ministry of Education of China Qinhuangdao 066004 Hebei China Lightweight Research Department Society of Automotive Engineers of China Beijing 100055 China Central Iron & Steel Research Institute Beijing 100081 China 
A novel 22MnMoB hot stamping steel was designed. The continuous cooling transformation (CCT) measurement of the 22MnMoB steel showed that the ferrite-bainite microstructure could be obtained at cooling rates lower t...
Design,synthesis,and biological evaluation of multiple targeting antimalarials
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《Acta Pharmaceutica Sinica B》2021年 第9期11卷 2900-2913页
作者:Yiqing Yang Tongke tang Xiaolu Li Thomas Michel Liqin Ling Zhenghui Huang Maruthi Mulaka yue Wu Hongying Gao Liguo Wang jing Zhou Brigitte Meunier Hangjun Ke Lubin Jiang yu RaoMOE Key Laboratory of Protein SciencesSchool of Pharmaceutical SciencesMOE Key Laboratory of Bioorganic Phosphorus Chemistry&Chemical BiologyTsinghua UniversityBeijing 100084China Unit of Human Parasite Molecular and Cell BiologyKey Laboratory of Molecular Virology and ImmunologyInstitut Pasteur of ShanghaiUniversity of Chinese Academy of SciencesChinese Academy of SciencesShanghai 200031China School of Life Science and TechnologyShanghaiTech UniversityShanghai 201210China Department of Biochemistry and Molecular BiologyState Key Laboratory of Medical Molecular BiologyInstitute of Basic Medical SciencesChinese Academy of Medical SciencesPeking Union Medical CollegeBeijing 100005China Institute for Integrative Biology of the Cell(I2BC)CEACNRSUniversite´Paris-SaclayGif-sur-Yvette 91198France Center for Molecular ParasitologyDepartment of Microbiology and ImmunologyDrexel University College of MedicinePhiladelphiaPA 19129USA Department of Laboratory MedicineWest China HospitalSichuan UniversityChengdu 610041China The Nanjing Unicorn Academy of InnovationInstitut Pasteur of ShanghaiChinese Academy of SciencesNanjing 211135China 
Malaria still threatens global health seriously *** the current discoveries of antimalarials are almost totally focused on single mode-of-action inhibitors,multi-targeting inhibitors are highly desired to overcome the...
Design,synthesis and in vivo anti-hyperglycemic activity of gem-dimethyl-bearing C-glucosides as SGLT2 inhibitors
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《Chinese Chemical Letters》2011年 第10期22卷 1215-1218页
作者:Wen jing Zhao Yong Heng Shi Gui Long Zhao yu Li Wang Hua Shao Li Da tang Jian Wu WangSchool of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering Shandong University Jinan 250100 China Tianjin Key Laboratory of Molecular Design and Drug Discovery Tianjin Institute of Pharmaceutical Research Tianjin 300193 China School of Pharmacy Tianjin Medical University Tianjin 300070 China 
A series of gem-dimethyl-bearing C-glucosides were designed and synthesized as SGLT2 inhibitors,with anhydrous aluminum chloride-mediated Friedel-Crafts alkylation to construct the gem-dimethyl functionality being the...
Engineering an ultrathin amorphous TiO2 layer for boosting the weatherability of TiO2 pigment with high lightening power
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《Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering》2019年 第11期27卷 2825-2834页
作者:Yangyang yu Kejing Wu Shiyu Lu Kui Ma Shan Zhong Hegui Zhang Yingming Zhu jing Guo Hairong yue Changjun Liu Siyang tang Bin LiangLow-Carbon Technology and Chemical Reaction Engineering LaboratorySchool of Chemical EngineeringSichuan UniversityChengdu 610065China Institute of New Energy and Low-Carbon TechnologySichuan UniversityChengdu 610207China Institute for Clean Energy&Advanced MaterialsFaculty of Materials and EnergySouthwest UniversityChongqing 400715China Shanxi Province Key Laboratory of Higee-Oriented Chemical EngineeringNorth University of ChinaTaiyuan 030051China 
TiO2 pigments are typically coated with inert layers to suppress the photocatalytic activity and improve the weatherability. However, the traditional inert layers have a lower refractive index compared to TiO2, and th...
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《高能物理与核物理》2006年 第12期30卷 1184-1189页
作者:唐靖宇 邱静 王生 韦杰中国科学院高能物理研究所北京100049 
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《弹道学报》2009年 第2期21卷 83-85,89页
作者:张海航 于存贵 唐明晶南京理工大学机械工程学院南京210094 长安集团有限责任公司重庆400023 
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《强激光与粒子束》2000年 第1期12卷 107-110页
作者:李智慧 唐靖宇中国科学院近代物理研究所 
通过将聚束器腔体等效为 RLC并联回路 ,求得了功率馈入耦合环与腔体的互感及自感的公式 ,根据对腔体的计算结果求出了在聚束器的工作频段内达到阻抗匹配所要求的互感变化范围 ,并在该互感变化范围内设计了可移动的耦合电感环 ,计算了它...
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