
检索条件"作者=Joana Silva-Correia"
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Current advances in solid free-form techniques for osteochondral tissue engineering
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《Bio-Design and Manufacturing》2018年 第3期1卷 171-181页
作者:Joao Bebiano Costa joana silva-correia Rui Luis Reis Joaquim Miguel OliveiraB's Research Group I3Bs - Research Institute onBiomaterials Biodegradables and Biomimetics University ofMinho Headquarters of the European Institute of Excellenceon Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine AveParkParque de Ciencia e Tecnologia Zona Industrial da Gandra4805-017 Barco Guimaraes Portugal ICVS/3B's-PT Government Associate Laboratory Braga Guimarfies Portugal The Discoveries Centre for Regenerative and PrecisionMedicine Headquarters at University of MinhoAvepark 4805-017 Barco Guimaraes Portugal 
Osteochondral (OC) lesions are characterized by defects in two different zones, the cartilage region and subchondral bone region. These lesions are frequently associated with mechanical instability, as well as osteo...
Indirect printing of hierarchical patient-specific scaffolds for meniscus tissue engineering
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《Bio-Design and Manufacturing》2019年 第4期2卷 225-241页
作者:Joao BCosta joana silva-correia Sandra Pina Alain da silva Morais Sílvia Vieira Hélder Pereira Joao Espregueira-Mendes Rui LReis Joaquim M.OliveiraB′s Research GroupI3Bs-Research Institute on BiomaterialsBiodegradables and BiomimeticsUniversity of MinhoHeadquarters of the European Institute of Excellence on Tissue Engineering and Regenerative MedicineAveParkZona Industrial da Gandra4805-017 Barco GmrPortugal ICVS/3B’s-PT Government Associate LaboratoryBraga/GuimaraesPortugal The Discoveries Centre for Regenerative and Precision MedicineHeadquarters at University of MinhoAvepark4805-017 BarcoGuimar'sPortugal Ripoll y De Prado Sports Clinic:Murcia-Madrid FIFA Medical Centre of ExcellenceMurciaSpain Orthopedic Department Centro Hospitalar Póvoa de VarzimVila do CondePortugal Clínica do DragaoEspregueira-Mendes Sports CentreFIFA Medical Centre of ExcellencePortoPortugal Dom Henrique Research CentrePortoPortugal Orthopedic DepartmentUniversity of MinhoBragaPortugal 
The complex meniscus tissue plays a critical role in the knee. The high susceptibility to injury has led to an intense pursuit for better tissue engineering regenerative strategies, where scaffolds play a major role. ...
A multi-integrated approach on toxicity effects of engineered TiO2 nanoparticles
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《Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering》2015年 第5期9卷 793-803页
作者:Ana PICADO Susana M. PAIXAO Liliana MOITA Luis silva Mario S. DINIZ joana LOURENCO Isabel PERES Luisa CASTRO Jose Brito correia joana PEREIRA Isabel FERREIRA Antonio Pedro Alves MATOS Pedro BARQUINHA Elsa MENDONCALNEG-National Laboratory of Energy and Geology I.P. Lisbon 1649-038 Portugal REQUIMTE Chemistry Department Fine Chemistry and Biotechnology Center Faculty of Sciences and Technology New University of Lisbon Caparica 2829-516 Portugal IMAR-Ocean Institute Department of Sciences and Environmental Engineering Faculty of Sciences and Technology New University of Lisbon Caparica 2829-516 Portugal CENIMAT/I3N and Department of Materials Science Faculty of Sciences and Technology New University of Lisbon Caparica 2829-516 Portugal Pathological Anatomy Curry Cabml Hospital Lisbon 1069-166 Portugal CESAM Faculty of Sciences Lisbon University Lisbon 1749-016 Portugal 
The new properties of engineered nanoparti- cles drive the need for new knowledge on the safety, fate, behavior and biologic effects of these particles on organisms and ecosystems. Titanium dioxide nanoparticles have ...
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