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《美国医学会杂志(中文版)》2007年 第6期26卷 323-330页
作者:Keith A. A. Fox Philippe Gabriel Steg Kim.A. Eagle Shaun G. Goodm.n Frederick A. Anderson Christopher B. Granger m.rcus D. Flather Andrzej Budaj Ann Quill joel m. gore 康俊萍(译) 马长生(校)Cardiovascular Research Division of Medical and Radiological Sciences The University of Edinburgh Edinburgh Scotland Hospital Bichat Paris France University of Michigan Health System Ann Arbor Canadian Heart Research Centre and Terrence Donnelly Heart Centre Division of Cardiology St Michael's Hospital University of Toronto Toronto Ontario University of Massachusetts Medical School Worcester Royal Brompton & Harefield NHS Trust London England Postgraduate Medical School Grochowski Hospital Warsaw Poland Duke University Medical Center Durham NC 不详 
背景:有关药物和介入治疗对ST段抬高型和非ST段抬高型急性冠脉综合征(non—ST-segm.nt elevation acute coronary syndrom.,NSTE ACS)患者的作用,随机试验已经提供了足够的证据,但是是否已经转化为相应的临床变化还不清楚。目的...
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