范例一:(K=图书馆学 OR K=情报学) AND A=范并思 AND Y=1982-2016
范例二:P=计算机应用与软件 AND (U=C++ OR U=Basic) NOT K=Visual AND Y=2011-2016
摘要:Trap-mediated energy loss in the buried interface with non-exposed feature constitutes one of the serious challenges for achieving high-performance perovskite solar cells(PSCs).Inspired by the adhesion mechanism of mussels,herein,three catechol derivatives with functional Lewis base groups,namely 3,4-Dihydroxyphenylalanine(DOPA),3,4-Dihydroxyphenethylamine(DA)and 3-(3,4-Dihydroxyphenyl)propionic acid(DPPA),were strategically *** molecules as interfacial linkers are incorporated into the buried interface between perovskite and SnO_(2) surface,achieving bilateral synergetic passivation *** crosslinking can produce secondary bonding with the undercoordinated Pb^(2+) and Sn^(4+) *** PSCs treated with DOPA exhibited the best performance and operational *** the DOPA passivation,a stabilized power conversion efficiency(PCE)of 21.5%was demonstrated for the planar *** 55 days of room-temperature storage,the unencapsulated devices with the DOPA crosslinker could still maintain 85%of their initial performance in air under relative humidity of-15%.This work opens up a new strategy for passivating the buried interfaces of perovskite photovoltaics and also provides important insights into designing defect passivation agents for other perovskite optoelectronic devices,such as light-emitting diodes,photodetectors,and lasers.
摘要:In this paper,a novel swing vane rotary compressor(SVC)was introduced,which had significant advantages-simple mechanism,reduced frictional loss,reliable operation,and a comparatively higher compression *** on the swing vane compressor geometry model,thermodynamic model and kinetic model,the mathematical model of optimum design was established,and further theoretical and experimental studies were *** length of the cylinder,radius of the rotor and cylinder were defined as design variables and the reciprocal of EER as objective *** complex optimization method was adopted to study the structure of the swing vane *** theoretical model could provide an effective method for predicting compressor performance,which would also contribute to structural optimization of the *** study shows that the friction loss of the compressor are greatly reduced by optimized design in a given initial value,and the EER increased by 8.55%.
摘要:A hybrid pharmacophore approach was used to design and synthesize a series of coumarin derivatives bearing 2-methylbiphenyl moiety, which were evaluated for their in vitro anticancer activities against four cancer cell lines(MCF-75 A549, H460 and HT29) and PD-1/PD-L1 inhibitory activities. Moreover, several compounds with excellent anticancer activities were selected to evaluate the cytotoxicities against one normal cell line(HEK-293). The most promising compound llo showed the best anticancer activities against the four tested cancer cell lines with the IC50 values of 6.45, 8.65, 6,57 and 8.13 gmol/L, respectively, and displayed weak cytotoxicity on the normal cell(HEK-293). Furthermore, screening of PD-1 /PD-L1 inhibitory activity revealed that compound llo could effectively inhibit the binding of PD-1/PD-L1, and the binding interactions of compound llo with PD-L1 protein were explored by molecular docking. All above evidences showed that compound llo might be worthy of further study as a valuable leading compound for the treatment of cancer.
摘要:近年来,大跨高空连体钢结构被广泛应用在各类复杂的大型公共建筑中,例如北京央视新总部大楼、重庆来福士广场、新加坡滨海湾金沙酒店等,其施工复杂,难度大。埃及新行政首都中央商务区中区酒店项目设计采用了高空大跨度钢结构连廊的形式,连廊平面呈圆弧形,共2层,一层高9.0 m,二层高6.5 m,外弧最大跨度为43 m,宽为24 m,钢结构总质量约600 t。根据钢结构连廊特点,结合国内外大跨度高空连体钢结构施工方法经分析提出了两种施工吊装方案:方案1采取“分片吊装、高空连接”的方式,在地面分片安装完成后,按照合理的顺序分片吊装,并在空中完成整体连接;方案2采取“高空悬臂散装”方式,同时从两端支座位置开始逐根吊装钢桁架构件,并于跨中位置对接合龙,形成空间桁架。综合考虑工期要求、成本要求、质量要求、安全性要求以及属地工人能力等因素,确定采用方案1“分片吊装、高空连接”的施工方法。通过施工过程数值模拟法对方案1进行计算分析,结果表明,钢结构安装过程中主体桁架竖向位移和构件应力比均很小,吊装顺序合理,侧向支撑有效,可以满足施工过程中钢构件稳定性和施工精度控制的要求,方案可行。同时,为了确保施工过程中的安全和质量,采取了多项关键控制措施,如采用大型履带吊保证吊装过程安全、设置临时支撑保证施工过程中构件稳定、设置可调节式拉杆控制构件水平度、严格控制每天作业时间以避免温差影响安装精度等。
摘要:综合考虑海浪发电装置的研究现状并结合中国的海域情况,设计一种推板胶囊式海浪发电装置。首先,对其结构和工作原理进行介绍。然后,根据线性微幅波理论与弗汝德-克雷洛夫假定法(Freude-Krylov hypothesis)在对受力板受到水平波浪力进行求解时,可等效为标准的振动系统模型,对该等效模型的固有频率和各阶振动主振型进行求解即可。最后,运用D-H(Denavit-Hartenberg matrix)法进行矩阵变换,建立基于广义坐标的拉格朗日动力学方程(Lagrange dynamics equation),利用ADAMS(automatic dynamic analysis mechamical systems)软件对振动系统进行动力学仿真,根据仿真结果得到系统的运动规律。该研究可为实现海浪发电提供一种新途径。
摘要:常见的C MEX函数局限于对控制系统局部子函数的C代码验证,不能实现整体方案设计;并且与DSP芯片的软件语法不兼容,无法进行代码移植与实验。提出一种新型多文件结构的C MEX函数,将主函数、算法单元模块、头文件合理分配,通过主函数调用子函数实现控制系统的整体设计。该代码以MMC整流器的电流矢量控制算法为基础,高度模拟了定点DSP芯片的语法规则,可实现对DSP芯片的高效移植。仿真与实验测试结果表明所述C MEX函数实现了电流的解耦控制,提高了软件设计集成度与效率。
摘要:为了研究新河煤矿承压含水层下大倾角煤层开采导水断裂带发育问题,采用FLAC3D数值模拟软件,对不同条带开采参数时上覆岩层破裂发育演化规律进行研究。结果表明:当工作面宽度为30 m,煤柱留设宽度为30 m时,工作面顶底板变形破坏范围明显减小,导水断裂带发育高度为30 m,与上部含水层距离为22 m。现场实践表明,在钻孔深度为67~96 m范围内钻孔平均漏水量为4 L/min,导水断裂带最大发育高度为32 m,工作面顶板导水断裂带得到了有效控制,确保了新河煤矿承压含水层下大倾角煤层的安全开采,有效防止了突水事故的发生。
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