
561 条 记 录,以下是11-20 订阅
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《国外电力电子技术》1992年 第1期 35-37,22页
作者:kim Gauen 钟桂清 
Discovery of Zr-based metal-organic polygon:Unveiling new design opportunities in reticular chemistry
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《Nano Research》2021年 第2期14卷 392-397页
作者:Jiyeon kim Dongsik Nam Hiroshi Kitagawa Dae-Woon Lim Wonyoung ChoeDepartment of ChemistryUlsan National Institute of Science and Technology50 UNIST-gilUlsan 44919Republic of Korea Department of ChemistryGraduate School of ScienceKyoto UniversityKitashirakawa Oiwake-choSakyo-kuKyoto 606-8502Japan Department of Chemistry and Medical ChemistryCollege of Science and TechnologyYonsei University1 Yonseidae-gilWonjuGangwon-do 26493Republic of Korea 
Metal-based secondary building unit and the shape of organic ligands are the two crucial factors for determining the final topology of metal-organic materials.A careful choice of organic and inorganic structural build...
实时取景新锐 Olympus E-520
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《影像视觉》2008年 第9期9卷 111-115页
在数码单反领域,奥林巴斯一直以来都以新颖技术倡导者的前卫形象示人,旗下产品无一不透射出设计思路上的灵气。新近上市的E-520是目前奥林巴斯入门级别单反当中性能最好的一款。拥有改良后的Live View和更加强大的防抖功能,下面我们...
Recent developments in selective laser processes for wearable devices
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《Bio-Design and Manufacturing》2024年 第4期7卷 517-547页
作者:Youngchan kim Eunseung Hwang Chang Kai Kaichen Xu Heng Pan Sukjoon HongOptical Nanoprocessing LabDepartment of Mechanical EngineeringBK21 FOUR ERICA-ACE CenterHanyang University55 Hanyangdaehak-RoSangnok-GuAnsan 15588Republic of Korea Multiscale Manufacturing LabJ.Mike Walker’66 Department of Mechanical EngineeringTexas A&M UniversityCollege StationTX 77843USA State Key Laboratory of Fluid Power and Mechatronic SystemsSchool of Mechanical EngineeringZhejiang UniversityHangzhou 310058China 
Recently,the increasing interest in wearable technology for personal healthcare and smart virtual/augmented reality applications has led to the development of facile fabrication *** have long been used to develop orig...
精入门 够专业 尼康D60试用手记
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《影像视觉》2008年 第5期9卷 114-118页
Design,fabrication,and structural safety validation of 3D-printable biporous bone augments
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《Bio-Design and Manufacturing》2023年 第1期6卷 26-37页
作者:Yeokyung Kang Dasol Lim Doo-Hoon Sun Jong-Chul Park Jungsung kimCentral Research&Development CenterCorentec Company Ltd.33-2Banpo-daero 20-gilSeocho-guSeoulRepublic of Korea Cellbiocontrol LaboratoryDepartment of Medical EngineeringYonsei University College of Medicine50-1 Yonsei-roSinchon-dongSeodaemun-guSeoulRepublic of Korea Department of Orthopaedic SurgeryDaejeon Sun Hospital10-7 Mok-dongJung-guDaejeonRepublic of Korea 
The use of commercial products such as a cup and liner for total hip arthroplasty for patients with severe bone defects has a high probability of *** these patients the cup alone cannot cover the bone defect,and thus,...
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《世界汽车》2004年 第10期 100-102页
Development of a 3D subcutaneous construct containing insulin-producing beta cells using bioprinting
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《Bio-Design and Manufacturing》2022年 第2期5卷 265-276页
作者:Chi B.Ahn Ji-Hyun Lee Joo H.kim Tae H.kim Hee-Sook Jun Kuk H.Son Jin W.LeeDepartment of Molecular MedicineCollege of MedicineGachon University155Gaetbeol-roYeonsu-kuIncheonRepublic of Korea Department of Health Sciences and TechnologyGAIHSTGachon University155Gaetbeol-roYeonsu-kuIncheonRepublic of Korea College of PharmacyGachon University191Hambangmoe-roYeonsu-kuIncheonRepublic of Korea Department Thoracic and Cardiovascular SurgeryGachon University Gil Medical CenterCollege of MedicineGachon University21Namdong-daero 774 beon-gilNamdong-guIncheonRepublic of Korea 
Type 1 diabetes is caused by insulin deficiency due to the loss of beta cells in the islets of *** severe cases,islet transplantation into the portal vein is ***,due to the loss of transplanted islets and the failure ...
Design of BPS digital frontend for software defined radio receiver
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《Journal of Central South University》2015年 第12期22卷 4709-4716页
作者:王洪梅 kim Jae-hyung 王法广 LEE Sang-hyuk 王雪松School of Information and Electrical EngineeringChina University of Mining and Technology School of MechatronicsChangwon National University Collaborative Innovation Center of Intelligent Mining EquipmentChina University of Mining and Technology Electrical and Electronic EngineeringXi'an Jiaotong-Liverpool University 
In radio receivers,complete implementation of the software defined radio(SDR) concept is mainly limited by *** on bandpass sampling(BPS) theory,a flexible digital frontend(DFE) platform for SDR receiver is *** order t...
Lee Jong-hwan, Lim Eun-jung:韩国BRCD餐厅
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《现代装饰》2009年 第9期 64-69页
作者:郭华艳(翻译) kim Mvoung—sik(摄影) 
以“面包、咖啡邀您就座”作为新店形象宣言,BRCD(Breac Is Reacy,Coffee Is Done的首字母缩写词,意即面包出炉,咖啡上座)在Konkuk大学附近的Starcity声势隆重地开业了。多功能的店面设计分为用餐区和咖啡区两个独立空间。
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