
检索条件"作者=KIM Jae-hyung"
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Design of BPS digital frontend for software defined radio receiver
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《Journal of Central South University》2015年 第12期22卷 4709-4716页
作者:王洪梅 kim jae-hyung 王法广 LEE Sang-hyuk 王雪松School of Information and Electrical EngineeringChina University of Mining and Technology School of MechatronicsChangwon National University Collaborative Innovation Center of Intelligent Mining EquipmentChina University of Mining and Technology Electrical and Electronic EngineeringXi'an Jiaotong-Liverpool University 
In radio receivers,complete implementation of the software defined radio(SDR) concept is mainly limited by *** on bandpass sampling(BPS) theory,a flexible digital frontend(DFE) platform for SDR receiver is *** order t...
Design and compensation of second-order sub-sampling digital frontend
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《Journal of Central South University》2012年 第2期19卷 408-416页
作者:王洪梅 kim jae-hyung LEE Sang-hyuk kim hyung-jung kim Jin-up KOH Jong-seogSchool of Mechatronics Changwon National University Electrical and Electronic Engineering Xi'an Jiaotong-Liverpool University Smart Radio Team Electonics and Telecommunication Research Institute Korea Telecommunication Company 
The problem of designing a digital frontend (DFE) was considered which can dynamically access or sense dual bands in any radio frequency (RF) regions without requiring hardware changes. In particular, second-order ban...
Design of small-area and high-efficiency DC-DC converter for 1 T SRAM
收藏 引用
《Journal of Central South University》2012年 第2期19卷 417-423页
作者:LEE jae-hyung 金丽妍 余忆宁 JANG Ji-hye kim Kwang-il HA Pan-bong kim Young-heeDepartment of Electronic Engineering Changwon National University9 Sarim-Dong 
The direct current-direct current (DC-DC) converter is designed for 1 T static random access memory (SRAM) used in display driver integrated circuits (ICs), which consists of positive word-line voltage (VpwL),...
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