
103 条 记 录,以下是41-50 订阅
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《中国兽医科学》2019年 第12期49卷 1475-1483页
作者:许笑 王艳华 M Umar Zafar khan 王恒 蔡建平中国农业科学院兰州兽医研究所家畜疫病病原生物学国家重点实验室甘肃兰州730046 江苏省动物重要疫病与人兽共患病防控协同创新中心江苏扬州225009 
为建立鸡源产气荚膜梭菌(Clostridium perfringens)的快速诊断方法,本研究以产气荚膜梭菌α-毒素的编码基因plc为基础设计、合成引物和探针,并以real-time PCR的方法进行验证,建立了鸡源产气荚膜梭菌的重组酶聚合酶扩增(RPA)检测方法。...
Realization of Digital Filter Structures in MATLAB
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《通讯和计算机(中英文版)》2011年 第2期8卷 150-152页
作者:Dipali Bansal Munna khanDepartment of EEE FET Manav Rachna International University Faridabad Haryana India Mewat Engineering College Nuh Haryana India 
Design, Development and Phytochemical Evaluation of a Poly Herbal Formulation Linkus Syrup
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《Chinese Medicine》2014年 第2期5卷 104-112页
作者:Zeeshan Ahmed Sheikh Aqib Zahoor Saleha Suleman khan khan UsmanghaniDepartment of Research and Development Herbion Pakistan (Pvt.) Limited 30/28 Korangi Industrial Area Karachi Pakistan Department of Research and Development Herbion Pakistan (Pvt.) Limited 30/28 Korangi Industrial Area Karachi Pakistan Faculty of Pharmacy Jinnah University for Women Karachi Pakistan 
The present work has been carried out on polyherbal formulation named as Linkus Syrup. The herbal formulation consists of Glycyrrhiza glabra, Hyssopus officinalis, Piper longum and Alpinia galangal. The Linkus syrup p...
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《建筑结构》2021年 第9期51卷 136-140页
作者:孙轶良 吴海亮 张戊晨 荣彬 杨子恒 SULIMAN khan国网河北省电力有限公司经济技术研究院石家庄050021 天津大学建筑工程学院天津300072 
Longitudinal and lateral slip control of autonomous wheeled mobile robot for trajectory tracking
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《Frontiers of Information Technology & Electronic Engineering》2015年 第2期16卷 166-172页
作者:Hamza khan Jamshed IQBAL Khelifa BAIZID Teresa ZIELINSKADivision of Theory of Machines and Robots Warsaw University of Technology Warsaw 00-661 Poland Department of Advanced Roboties Istituto Italiano di Teenologia Genova 16163 Italy Department of Electrical Engineering COMSATS Institute of Information Technology Islamabad 44000 Pakistan Department of Electrical and Information Engineering University of Cassino and Southern Lazio Cassino 03043 Italy 
This research formulates a path-following control problem subjected to wheel slippage and skid and solves it using a logic-based control scheme for a wheeled mobile robot (WMR). The novelty of the proposed scheme li...
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《棉花学报》2016年 第6期28卷 574-583页
作者:王雷山 khan Aziz 袁源 武莹莹 Adnan Noor Shah Shahbaz Tung 杨国正华中农业大学/农业部长江中游作物生理生态与耕作重点实验室湖北武汉430070 
为探讨大田棉花氮代谢随播期和密度的变化规律,选用华棉3109(*** L.)于2014年在华中农业大学试验农场,采用裂区设计:播期(月-日)(S1,05-30;S2,06-14)为主区,密度(株·m-2)(D1,7.5;D2,9.0;D3,10.5)为副区,研究了硝态氮含量在主茎叶...
Simple and spectrally-efficient design of high capacity hybrid WDM/TDM-PON with improved receiver sensitivity
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《The Journal of China Universities of Posts and Telecommunications》2013年 第3期20卷 114-120页
作者:khan Ahmed Muddassir ZHANG Jie ZHAO Yong-li GAO Guan-jun CHEN Sai WANG Dao-binSchool of Telecommunication Engineering Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications 
A simple design of hybrid wavelength division multiplexed/time division multiplexed passive optical network (WDM/ TDM-PON) is demonstrated for the high capacity next generation access (NGA) network, having advanta...
Analysis and Design of Flexible Pavements by Empirical Tools
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《Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture》2011年 第2期5卷 130-139页
作者:Sanjay Kumar Misra Mohammad Zafar khan Aslam AmirahmadDepartment of Civil Engineering College of Engineering University of Petroleum and Energy Studies Dehradun Uttarakhand248007 India Department of Civil Engineering Institute of Engineering and Technology Lucknow Uttar Pradesh 226021 India Department of Civil Engineering AI-Kharj University Al-Kharj 11942 Kingdom of Saudi Arbia 
This paper falls into two parts. In the first part, the widely used analytical-empirical method of pavement design and evaluation is discussed and in the second part two simulation models are presented to predict the ...
Rational drug design,synthesis,and biological evaluation of novel N-(2-arylaminophenyl)-2,3-diphenylquinoxaline-6-sulfonamides as potential antimalarial,antifungal,and antibacterial agents
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《Digital Chinese Medicine》2021年 第4期4卷 290-304页
作者:Ahmed Hassen Shntaif Sharuk khan Ganesh Tapadiya Anand Chettupalli Shweta Saboo Mohd Sayeed Shaikh Falak Siddiqui Ramkoteswra Rao AmaraCollege of Science for WomenBabylon UniversityHillaBabil 00964Iraq MUPs College of Pharmacy(B Pharm)WashimMaharashtra 444506India Shreeyash Institute of Pharmaceutical Education and ResearchAurangabadMaharashtra 431010India Department of Pharmaceutical SciencesCenter for NanomedicineAnurag UniversityHyderabad 501301India Government College of PharmacyKaradMaharashtra 415124India Department of PharmacyShri Jagdishprasad Jhabarmal Tibrewala UniversityVidya NagariRajasthan 333001India 
Objective Sulfanilamide,sulfadiazine,and dapsone were the first sulfonamides to be used to treat malaria by disrupting the folate biosynthesis process,which is essential for parasite ***,we aimed to synthesize novel N...
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《西安交通大学学报(医学版)》2016年 第1期37卷 144-147,156页
作者:李张军 牛新武 肖生祥 khan Abidullah 刘彦婷 马慧群 彭振辉西安交通大学第二附属医院皮肤科陕西西安710004 西安交通大学第一附属医院烧伤整形科陕西西安710061 
目的改良小鼠皮肤光老化动物模型的建立方法,为临床防治皮肤光老化打下基础。方法设计制作一种构建小鼠皮肤光老化动物模型的装置,利用装置中紫外线(UVA 315~400nm;UVB 280~315nm)照射ICR小鼠,3次/周,共12周,累计照射剂量:UVA为151.20J/...
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