范例一:(K=图书馆学 OR K=情报学) AND A=范并思 AND Y=1982-2016
范例二:P=计算机应用与软件 AND (U=C++ OR U=Basic) NOT K=Visual AND Y=2011-2016
摘要:为研究CFRP-钢复合筋(CFRP-steel composite bar, C-FSCB)珊瑚海砂海水混凝土(coral sea-sand seawater concrete,CSSC)梁的受剪破坏机理,设计并制作了17根梁进行受剪性能试验,包括15根C-FSCB增强CSSC梁和2根钢筋增强CSSC梁,主要变化参数为剪跨比、箍筋间距、纵筋配筋率、筋材种类和混凝土强度。通过试验观察梁的裂缝发展情况、破坏过程及破坏形态,获取剪力-跨中挠度曲线和应变分布数据。试验结果表明:增大配筋率和配箍率,C-FSCB增强CSSC梁的破坏模式由受剪破坏转变为受弯破坏。对于不同筋材种类的梁,二者的弯剪破坏模式随剪跨比变化的规律一致;与钢筋增强CSSC梁相比,C-FSCB增强CSSC梁的峰值剪力增大16%,但延性减小23%;随着配筋率和配箍率的增大,梁的峰值剪力逐渐增大,且增大配箍率增强了梁的延性,增大配筋率却相反;增大剪跨比虽引起梁的峰值剪力减小,但延性逐渐提升;通过分析应变数据发现,不同于钢筋增强CSSC梁,在箍筋屈服后C-FSCB增强CSSC梁的剪力仍继续增长;增大配筋率和配箍率,峰值剪力时C-FSCB增强CSSC梁的箍筋应变减小。基于试验数据统计结果,取其下限值,建立了适用于C-FSCB增强CSSC梁斜截面承载力的设计计算公式,试验结果均大于计算结果,偏于安全。
摘要:Cyclic dinucleotides(CDNs) are known to activate stimulator of interferon genes(STING) and induce type I interferon responses, therefor possess great potentials to be of immunotherapeutic value for cancers and infectious diseases. However, the existence of different single nucleotide polymorphism(SNP) of human STING(hSTING) gene poses an obstacle to achieve broad-spectrum activation by CDNs. We reported here the design and synthesis of a total of 36 CDNs, representing all structural variations, that contain four bases(A, G, C, U) and two linkage directions(2′-5′-linked and 3′-5′-linked phosphodiester).Through systematic evaluation of IFN-β induction with a dual-luciferase reporter assay, we discovered that wild type hSTING and two isoforms(HAQ and AQ) showed strong response while hSTING-R232 H and R293 Q exhibited the relatively weak response to CDNs stimulation. For the first time, we found that the c[G(2′,5′)U(2′,5′)] showed excellent activity against all five hSTING variants even equivalent to the endogenous ligand c[G(2′,5′)A(3′,5′)]. Furthermore, we have also demonstrated that 3′-3′CDNs with two 3′-5′ phosphodiesters showed higher serum and hydrolase stability than 2′-2′ CDNs with two 2′-5′ phosphodiesters and 2′-3′ CDNs with one 2′-5′ and one 3′-5′ phosphodiester. It is very interesting to note that 2′-2′ CDNs has been found for the first time to show strong activity. These findings will stimulate our exploration for the new functional role of CDNs, and provide guidelines to design CDNs based hSTING targeted drugs.
摘要:Chlorothiazole ring, as a substituted heterocycle, frequently occurred in structures of various insecticides, and brought positive effect on bioactivity. In purpose to find novel neonicotinoids, a series of pyrrole- and dihydropyrrole-fused neonicotinoid analogs containing chlorothiazole ring were synthesized for the first time. Results of the following biological assays showed that compounds Sa-c achieved good insecticidal activity against Aphis craccivora, and compound Sh exhibited good activity against Nilaparvata lugens.
摘要:This paper presents an aerodynamic optimum design method for transonic turbine cascades based on the Genetic Algorithms coupled to the inviscid flow Euler solver and the boundary-layer *** Genetic Algorithms control the evolution of a population of cascades towards an optimum *** fitness value of each string is evaluated using the flow solver. The design procedur6 has been developed and the behavior of the genetic algorithms has been tested. The objective functions of the design examples are the minimum mean-square deviation between the aimed pressure and computed pressure and the minimum amount of user expertise.
摘要:基于点云技术的三维狭长复杂空间数字模型逐渐成为狭长复杂空间工程监测的有力手段,受限于设备的工作方式,对于狭长复杂空间的扫描通常需要多点位、多角度、多批次进行,因此点云的配准是获得完整狭长复杂空间三维点云模型的关键技术。笔者基于FRICP(Fast and Robust Iterative Closest Point)算法,针对狭长复杂空间点云数据的配准提出了一种有效且具有鲁棒性的算法。首先通过主成分分析(Principal Component Analysis,PCA)计算合适的截面将狭长复杂空间点云一分为二,以去除非重叠区域;然后使用FRICP(Fast and Robust Iterative Closest Point)算法分别配准分段后的点云,取误差最小的变换;最后将变换应用到整个狭长复杂空间点云数据。实验结果表明了所提算法的可行性和鲁棒性,为狭长复杂空间多点位、多角度、多批次点云数据配准提出了一种可行方法。
摘要:为明确纤维与粉土对水泥稳定风积沙的增强效果,对不同纤维掺量、粉土掺量、养护龄期下的试样进行抗压强度试验,并通过扫描电镜(SEM)和核磁共振(NMR)试验对试样的微观结构特点进行了表征。结果表明,纤维与粉土的加入能有效提高试样的抗压强度;养护龄期与试样强度增长为正相关关系;最佳纤维掺量和最佳粉土掺量分别为2%、15%;在此掺量下,养护28 d试样的强度达到1.68 MPa,相比于水泥稳定风积沙的强度(0.45 MPa)提高了3.73倍。扫描电镜结果表明,试样强度提升来源于纤维在试样中的空间交织作用以及粉土的填充效应。核磁共振结果进一步表明,纤维的加入可降低试样中大孔与中孔的比例,其中2%纤维掺量的降低幅度最大。该研究结果可为风积沙地区路基的施工与设计提供有效参考。
摘要:基于Fick定律的各类混凝土氯离子预测方法因影响因素之间存在耦合或者同质性而难以考虑多个影响因素进行分析。提出了基于麻雀搜索算法神经网络(SSA-BP)的机制砂混凝土氯离子扩散系数的人工智能预测方法。神经网络的拓扑结构设计为包含4节点输入层、9节点隐藏层、1节点输出层。以水胶比、环境温度、相对湿度以及粉灰比4个参数作为输入变量,以28 d氯离子扩散系数作为输出变量,通过室内试验得出的数据为样本值,使用决定函数(R2)、均方差(MSE)等对优化前后的两种神经网络模型进行对比分析,并探究不同变量因素对氯离子扩散系数的影响。结果表明:通过引入麻雀算法(SSA)可以弥补BP神经网络全局搜索能力弱的缺点,解决预测结果局部最优的难题,从而提高氯离子扩散的预测准确度。
摘要:The paper takes 2076 undergraduate students majoring in foreign languages from 15 Chinese universities as the research subjects to investigate their demand for ideological and political education elements in foreign language *** results show that:(1)Students have high needs for ideological and political education elements in foreign language courses;(2)There are differences in students’needs for ideological and political education elements across different *** have higher demand for dimensions such as personal qualities,cultural literacy,moral cultivation,and patriotism,while their demand for dimensions related to constitutional law and political identity is relatively ***,foreign language majors in Chinese universities should optimize the supply of ideological and political education elements in their courses according to students’needs,and improve the effectiveness of moral education in these courses.
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