
检索条件"作者=M. C. Martins"
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《国际结核病与肺部疾病杂志》2008年 第1期3卷 7-11页
作者:c. m. S. Giam.aglia m. c. martins G. B. de Oliveira Vieira S. A. Vinhas m. A. da Silva Telles m. Palac. A. G. m.rsic. D. J. Hadad F. c. Q. m.llo L. de Souza Fonsec. A. Kritski 尚美(译) 刘宇红(校) 王雪静(审)Instituto Adoifo Lutz Saeo Paulo Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro Rio de Janeiro Rio de Janeiro Universidade do Eapirito Santo Vitoria Espirito Santo Brazil 不详 
地点:巴西东南部3个分枝杆菌参比实验室。目的:评估自动化分枝杆菌生长指示管(m.IT)检测结核分枝杆菌药物敏感性的能力。设计:用自动BEc.Ec.m.IT 960(m.60)对95份结核分枝杆菌临床分离株进行链霉素(Sm.,异烟肼(INH)、利福平(Rm.)、乙胺...
Dual Ac.ive Bridge c.nverter as Gyrator
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《Journal of Energy and Power Engineering》2014年 第2期8卷 365-373页
作者:Walberm.rk m. dos Santos Denizar c. martinsINEP Power Electronics Institute Federal University of Santa Catarina Florian6polis (SC) 88040-970 Brazil 
This work presents the design and c.ntrol of the DAB (dual ac.ive bridge) c.nverter em.loying gyrator's theory. A brief sum.ary of the theory is introduc.d, and its applic.tion for the DAB c.nverter is verified wit...
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