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《国际结核病与肺部疾病杂志》2002年 第4期 152-157页
作者:m.Zhu J.J.Stambaugh S.E.Berning A.E.Bulpitt E.S.Hollender m.narita D.Ashkin C.A.Peloquin 马玙Department of Medicine National Jewish Medical and Research Center Denver Colorado Drug Metabolism and Pharmacokinetics Schering-Plough Research Institute Kenilworth New Jersey AG Holley State Hospital Lantana Florida Department of Medicine National Jewish Medical and Research Center Denver Colorado School of Pharmacy University of Colorado Denver Colorado Department of Medicine National Jewish Medical and Research Center Denver Colorado AG Holley State Hospital Lantana Florida School of Pharmacy University of Colorado Denver Colorado Division of Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine University of Miami School of Medicine Miami Bureau of Tuberculosis and Refugee Health Florida Department of Health Miami Florida Department of Medicine National Jewish Medical and Research Center Denver Colorado School of Pharmacy University of Colorado Denver Colorado School of Medicine University of Colorado Denver Colorado USA 
背景:美国两所结核病医院。 目的:测定口服多种剂量氧氟沙星后的群体药代动力学(PK)。 设计:共73例结核病患者参加本研究,其中一部分患者接受多种剂量的氧氟沙星。根据药敏结果,同时服用其它药物。收集10小时以上的血清样本经高压液相...
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《国际结核病与肺部疾病杂志》2006年 第3期1卷 128-134页
作者:K.H.Lofy P.D.mcElroy L. Lake L.S.Cowan L.A.Diem S.V.Goldberg G.A.Cangelosi S.P. Tribble m.D.Cave m.narita 徐敏Epidemiology Program OfficeCenters for Disease Control and PreventionAtlanta Division of Tuberculosis EliminationNational Center for HIVSTD and TB PreventionCenters for Disease Control and Prevention AtlantaGeorgia Public Health-Seattle & King County Tuberculosis Control Program Seattle Division of Tuberculosis EliminationNational Center for HIV STD and TB Prevention Centers for Disease Control and Prevention AtlantaGeorgia Seattle Biomedical Research InstituteSeattleWashington Division of Tuberculosis EliminationNational Center for HIVSTD and TB PreventionCenters for Disease Control and PreventionAtlantaGeorgia University of Arkansas for Medical SciencesLittle RockCentral Arkansas Veterans Healthcare SystemLittle RockArkansas Public Health-Seattle & King County Tuberculosis Control ProgramSeattleDivision of Pulmonary and Critical Care MedicineUniversity of WashingtonSeattleWashingtonUSA 
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