范例一:(K=图书馆学 OR K=情报学) AND A=范并思 AND Y=1982-2016
范例二:P=计算机应用与软件 AND (U=C++ OR U=Basic) NOT K=Visual AND Y=2011-2016
摘要:A harmonic diffractive element (HDE) is first successfully introduced to the athermal system of infrared dual band in this paper. In this system, there are only three lens and two materials, silicon and germanium. When the temperature ranges from 70℃ to 100℃ in the dual band, it can simultaneously accomplish the rectification of the longitudinal aberration in the big field of view, as well as the wave front aberration less than 1/4 wavelength. Modulation transfer function of dual band approaches or attains the diffraction limit. The calculation results show that the spec-tral properties of the HDE are between refractive and dif-fractive elements, so we can design a simple dual-band and athermal optical system by selecting the thickness and cen-tral wavelength of the HDE exactly. Compared with a con-ventional refractive optical system, this system not only re-duces the demand for high technical levels, but also has a compact structure, few elements, a high transmittance better aberrations performances and athermal character. At the same time, the use of the HDE also offers a new element for the infrared optics design.
摘要:对Lyons采用二元光学元件的红外成像光谱仪的设计理论进行了分析,为消除其二元光学元件作为透射式成像元件导致的焦距随波长的变化而变化的缺陷 提出将离轴三反射镜系统与具有二元光学透镜的变焦距系统相结合的新技术方案,并从军事目标的红外热探测的基本要求出发,给出了具体的设计实例 设计结果表明,系统具有设计精巧、结构简单、光能接收率高、消像差特性好。
摘要:设计了一种针对个人用户使用的微型投影机光学引擎,系统为单片式数字光线处理器结构,采用红绿蓝三色大功率高亮度发光二极管作为光源,使用X棱镜作为合色元件,从而实现38.1~50.8cm的彩色投影显示。对设计结果进行理论分析后可知,设计结果满足投影显示对颜色的要求,光学引擎的理论效率为16.1%。同时利用Light Tools仿真软件对系统进行建模分析,300万条光线追迹仿真的结果表明,光学引擎的效率为14.6%,与理论分析结果基本符合,屏幕上光通量为22.81m,其美国国家标准协会规定的九点照度均匀性达到91.55%和-93.36%,满足设计要求。
摘要:分析了离轴、大视场角透视型头盔显示器光学系统的设计方法,提出了利用衍射光学的独特性质设计了大视场、宽波段、离轴折/衍混合透视型头盔显示器光学系统.该系统具有10 mm的出瞳直径和22 mm的出瞳距离,且满足人因素要求.另外,该系统色差仅14μm,系统口径小于46 mm,满足双目视觉要求.整个系统适合具有15 mm对角直径SVGA分辩率的彩色液晶显示器(LCD) .
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