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sPatterns of Disease on Paul Auster's Timbuktu
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《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》2016年 第3期6卷 249-254页
作者:maria Rosa Burillo GadeaUniversidad Complutense Madrid Madrid Spain 
Following the theory of Trauma as a critical approach, it is analyzed how Paul Auster' s Timbuktu shows up the maladies of the contemporary world with a parody of disease full of excess and somehow mocking at its own...
Layered Documentation On the Process of Documenting Contemporary Dance and Physical Theatre
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《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》2015年 第6期5卷 455-460页
作者:maria Mercè Saumell Vergéslnstitut del Teatre Barcelona Spain 
How can choreography and physical theatre pieces continue to perpetuate the work after rendering? How to preserve their aura, their dynamics, and their ephemeral and genuine nature, as Walter Benjamin said? In 1936,...
The extension of Rome's Capitoline Museums and the design of a new Hall on the site of the ancient 'Giardino Romano'
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《Frontiers of Architectural Research》2015年 第3期4卷 171-185页
作者:Raffaele Panella maria Luisa TugnoliSapienza' Universitd di Roma Viale delle Medaglie d'Oro 200 Rome 00136 Italy 
The new HaLL of Marcus AureLius in the CapitoLine Museums, Located within the ancient site of Giardino Romano, displays the original statue of the Roman emperor of the 2nd century AD. The idea of extending the CapitoL...
Paulo Coelho The Author's Quest as Reader of the World
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《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》2012年 第10期2卷 925-937页
作者:maria FigueredoYork University Toronto Canada 
Paulo Coelho's novels call into question the nature of the literary text and the act of reading in a post-Einsteinian world. Amidst the debate over his popular writings (Albanese; Ndagano), the discussion turns to ...
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《装饰》2020年 第7期 60-71页
作者:赵成清(翻译) 杨扬(翻译)德国帕德博恩大学 四川大学艺术学院 
A Review on Genetically Modified Plants Designed to Phytoremediate Polluted Soils: Biochemical Responses and International Regulation
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《Pedosphere》2018年 第5期28卷 697-712页
作者:Edgar VAZQUEZ-NUNEZ Julian M. PENA-CASTRO Fabian FERNANDEZ-LUQUENO Eduardo CEJUDO maria G. de la ROSA-ALVAREZ maria C. GARCIA-CASTANEDDepartamento de Ingenierias Quimica Electronica y Biomedica Division de Ciencias e Ingenierlas Universidad de Guanajuato (UG) Campus Leon Loma del Bosque 103 Leon Gto. 37150 (Mexico) Laboratorio de Biotecnologla Vegetal Instituto de Biotecnologia Universidad del Papaloapan Tuxtepec Oaxaca 68333 (Mexico) programa en Sustentabilidad de los Recursos Naturales y Eneryla Cinvestav Saltillo Industria Metalurgica 1062 Parque Industrial Saltillo-Ramos-Arizpe Ramos Arizpe Coahuila 25900 (Mexico) CONACYT Unidad de Ciencias del Agua (UCIA) Centro de Investigacion Cientifica de Yucatan A.C. Cancdn Quintana Roo 77500 (Mexico) Center for the Environmental Implications of Nanotechnology University of California at Los Angeles- University of Texas at El Paso 500 W University Ave El Paso 79968 (USA) CONACYT Universidad de Guanajuato Loma del Bosque 103 Leon Guanajuato 37150 (Mexico) 
In recent years,there has been an increasing interest in finding sustainable strategies for the efficient removal of contaminants from *** objective of this review is to examine the biochemical principles of specific ...
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《城市交通》2016年 第1期14卷 80-96页
作者:Inmaculada Mohino Anastasia Loukaitou-Sideris José maria Urería 张铮(译)卡斯蒂利亚-拉曼查大学西班牙托莱多999023 加州大学洛杉矶分校美国洛杉矶90095 中国城市规划设计研究院北京100037 
高速铁路建设的最初目的是连接相距400~600 km的都市区。但是近年,都市地区的郊区及城市出现了一些边缘位置的高铁车站,距都市中心的距离约100 km。重点研究位于马德里(瓜达拉哈拉、塞戈维亚和托莱多)、伦敦(斯特拉特福德、艾贝斯费...
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《心理学报》2000年 第2期32卷 229-234页
作者:李纾 房永青 张迅捷新南威尔士大学心理学院 南洋理工大学南洋商学院新加坡639798 华南女子学院营养与食品科学专业福州350007 
Domestic noir in Anglo-American Literature
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《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》2021年 第11期11卷 841-846页
作者:maria Antónia LimaUniversity ofÉvoraÉvora University of Lisbon Centre for English StudiesLisbonPortugal 
In order to highlight the contribution of Literature to the study of Domestic Violence,this essay will reflect on the relevance of some Anglo-American literary works,integrated in the Domestic Gothic or Domestic Noir,...
Lexis in Dionysius the Areopagite
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《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》2014年 第2期4卷 129-136页
作者:Jose maria NievaUniversity of Tucumain Tucuman Argentina 
In his Commentary on Plato's Phaedo, Damascius establishes a close relation between destination (lexis), divine Justice, and life dignity (kat'aian) of every soul. Among several meanings of destination, the most...
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