范例一:(K=图书馆学 OR K=情报学) AND A=范并思 AND Y=1982-2016
范例二:P=计算机应用与软件 AND (U=C++ OR U=Basic) NOT K=Visual AND Y=2011-2016
摘要:Perry King 和 Santiago miranda 是多年的合作伙伴.是意大利著名工业设计师.因以手绘创作来完成设计过程而知名。他们不仅为意大利设计产品.而且还为其他欧洲国家及日本和美国进行设计.设计领域宽泛.包括灯.办公桌椅.工业产品等。其中最受人喜爱的还是他们的灯——集中体现了他们的设计特色:形式不拘一格.但又强调功能性。光和影紧密不可分.King 和miranda 选择从"影"
摘要:Significant advancements in various research and technological fields have contributed to remarkable findings on the physiological dynamics of the human *** closely mimic the complex physiological environment,research has moved from two-dimensional(2D)culture systems to more sophisticated three-dimensional(3D)dynamic *** bioreactors or microfluidic-based culture models,cells are typically seeded on polymeric substrates or incorporated into 3D constructs which are mechanically stimulated to investigate cell response to mechanical stresses,such as tensile or *** review focuses on the working principles of mechanical stimulation devices currently available on the market or custom-built by research groups or protected by patents and highlights the main features still open to *** are the features which could be focused on to perform,in the future,more reliable and accurate mechanobiology studies.
摘要:Business is a trade or transaction that takes place between two individuals or groups, to achieve a goal or objective The aim of this paper is to explore the art and science of environment and business in the 21 st century, which has an impact on perceptions in a changing business environment. The qualitative method of research is employed and the findings indicate that there is constant innovation to change business
摘要:Ti6Al4V cellular structures were produced by selective laser melting(SLM)and then filled either with beta-tricalcium phosphate(β-TCP)or PEEK(poly-ether-ether-ketone)through powder metallurgy techniques,to improve osteoconductivity and wear *** corrosion behavior of these structures was explored considering its importance for the long-term performance of *** revealed that the incorporation of open cellular pores induced higher electrochemical kinetics when being compared with dense *** impregnation ofβ-TCP and PEEK led to the creation of voids or gaps between the metallic matrix and the impregnated material which also influenced the corrosion behavior of the cellular structures.
招生:0574-88222065 88222066