
检索条件"作者=Mohammad A. K. Alia"
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a.Design of a.PID Self-Tuning Controller Using La.VIEW
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《Journa. of Softwa.e Engineering a.d a.plica.ions》2011年 第3期4卷 161-171页
作者:mohammad a. k. alia Ta.iq M. Younes Shibel a. Suba.Mechatroncis Engineering Department Faculty of Engineering Technology Al-Balqa Applied University 
In this pa.er a.tria. ha. been ma.e to design a.simple self-tuning La.VIEW-ba.ed PID controller. The controller uses a. open-loop rela. test, ca.cula.es the tuned pa.a.eters in a. open loop mode of opera.ion before it...
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