
检索条件"作者=PARK J H"
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Power management unit chip design for automobile active-matrix organic light-emitting diode display module
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journal of Central South University》2009年 第4期16卷 621-628页
作者:KIM j h park j h KIM j h CAO T V LEE T Y BAN h j YANG K KIM h G hA P B KIM Y hDepartment of Electronic Engineering Changwon National University 9 Sarim-Dong Changwon 641-773 Korea Denso PS Electronics Corporation 47 Seongsan-Dong Changwon 641-315 Korea 
A power management unit (PMU) chip supplying dual panel supply voltage, which has a low electro-magnetic interference (EMI) characteristic and is favorable for miniaturization, is designed. A two-phase charge pump...
Customized 3D-printed occluders enabling the reproduction of consistent and stable heart failure in swine models
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《Bio-Design and Manufacturing》2021年 第4期4卷 833-841页
作者:han B.Kim Seungman jung hyukjin park Doo S.Sim Munki Kim Sanskrita Das Youngkeun Ahn Myung h.jeong jinah jang Young j.hongDivision of CardiologyChonnam National University Medical SchoolGwangjuRepublic of Korea School of Interdisciplinary Bioscience and BioengineeringPohang University of Science and TechnologyPohangRepublic of Korea Department of Creative IT EngineeringPohang University of Science and TechnologyPohangRepublic of Korea Department of Mechanical EngineeringPohang University of Science and TechnologyPohangRepublic of Korea 
Reproducibility of clinical output is important when investigating therapeutic efficacy in pre-clinical animal *** to its physiological relevance,a swine myocardial infarction(MI)model has been widely used to evaluate...
Design of small-area multi-bit antifuse-type 1 kbit OTP memory
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journal of Central South University》2009年 第3期16卷 467-473页
作者:李龙镇 LEE j h KIM T h jIN K h park M h hA P B KIM Y hDepartment of Electronic EngineeringChangwon National University Department of Computer Science and TechnologyYanbian University 
A multi-bit antifuse-type one-time programmable (OTP) memory is designed, which has a smaller area and a shorter programming time compared with the conventional single-bit antifuse-type OTP memory. While the convent...
From hardware store to hospital:a COVID-19-inspired,cost-effective,open-source,in vivo-validated ventilator for use in resource-scarce regions
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《Bio-Design and Manufacturing》2022年 第1期5卷 133-140页
作者:Matthew h.park Yuanjia Zhu hanjay Wang Nicholas ATran jinsuh jung Michael jPaulsen Annabel M.Imbrie‑Moore Samuel Baker Robert Wilkerson Mateo Marin‑Cuartas Danielle M.Mullis Y.joseph WooDepartment of Cardiothoracic SurgeryStanford UniversityFalk Cardiovascular Research Building CV-235300 Pasteur DriveStanfordCA 94305-5407USA Department of Mechanical EngineeringStanford UniversityStanfordCAUSA Department of BioengineeringStanford UniversityStanfordCAUSA Department of Comparative MedicineStanford UniversityStanfordCAUSA University Department of Cardiac SurgeryLeipzig Heart CenterLeipzigGermany 
Resource-scarce regions with serious COVID-19 outbreaks do not have enough ventilators to support critically ill patients,and these shortages are especially devastating in developing *** help alleviate this strain,we ...
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《传动技术》2000年 第4期14卷 47-51,32页
作者:h-S jo W-S Lim Y-I park j-M LeeInstitute of Adavanced Machinery and DesignSeoul National UniversitySeoulKorea Department of Automotive EngineeringSeoul National Polytechnic UniversitySeoulKorea 不详 
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《世界地震工程》1990年 第3期6卷 57-65,68页
作者:Y.j.park A.h.S.Ang Y.K.Wen 黄承逵 
一、引言从以往发生的强烈地震,如1968年TokaChi-Oki地震和1971年加利福尼亚的San Fernando地震,得到的经验表明:遭受强地震动的钢筋混凝土建筑物是易于损坏的。然而,由于经济的原因,在结构抗震设计,特别是低层建筑物的抗震设计中,应当...
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《国际结核病与肺部疾病杂志》2003年 第1期 29-34页
作者:S.j.Kim G.h.Bai h.Lee h.j.Kim W.j.Lew Y.K.park Y.Kim 贺晓新Korean Institute of TuberculosisKorean National Tuberculosis AssociationSeoul Korea 
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《国际结核病与肺部疾病杂志》2011年 第1期6卷 17-23页
作者:h.I.Yoon K.U.park C-T.Lee j.h.Lee 周扬 刘宇红Division of Pulmonary and Critical Care MedicineDepartment of Internal Medicine and Lung Instituteand Seoul National University Bundang HospitalSeoulKorea Department of Laboratory MedicineSeoul National University Bundang HospitalSeoulKorea 
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《国际结核病与肺部疾病杂志》2007年 第3期2卷 110-115页
作者:G-h.Bai Y-K.park Y-W.Choi j-I.Bai h-j.Kim C.L.Chang j-K.Lee S.j.Kim 张宗德 张立兴Korean Institute of TuberculosisThe Korean National Tuberculosis Assciation School of MedicinePusan National University Bureau of Health PolicvMinistry of Health and Welfare International Union Against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease 
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《国际医学放射学杂志》2009年 第5期32卷 516-516页
作者:S.S.Lee S.h.park j.K.Kim N.Kim j.Lee B.j.park 唐光健Department of Radiology and ResearchInstitute of RadiologyUniversity of Ulsan College of MedicineAsan Medical Center388-1Pungnap-2dongSongpa-guSeoul138-736Korea 
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