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《现代装饰》2024年 第3期 32-41页
作者:Arsen Aliverdiev(设计) michael Bertram(设计) Kerstin El-Khawad(设计) Gunter Fleitz(设计) Eva Perez Fons(设计) Lisa Holler(设计) Leticia Hutchings(设计) peter Ippolito(设计) Christiane Klinner(设计) Susann Kreplin(设计) Frank Lakmann(设计) Tim Lessmann(设计) Eleonora Mannisi(设计) Thomas Mura(设计) Maria Cristina Orizzonte(设计) Jana Stumpe(设计) Bradley Wheeler(设计) Elisabed Zautashvili(设计) Werner Huthmacher(摄影) Ippolito Fleitz Group(摄影)不详 
“The Future in Motion”是大陆集团的座右铭,而大陆集团的品牌“Continental”则代表着面向未来、可持续发展和团结协作的理念。由于原集团总部的面积不再能满足公司的未来发展,大陆集团决定在德国汉诺威毗邻城市森林的位置新建一座...
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《现代装饰》2013年 第7期 96-99页
作者:peter Ippolito Gunter Fleitz Moritz Khler michael Bertram Markus Schmidt Timo Flott WakuWaku Benjamin Nadjib 谢作标Ippolito Fleitz Group 
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《当代建筑》2020年 第3期 52-61页
作者: Rob Goodwin Robin Guenther Jason Allen Gerry Del Priore Nash Hurley Dutch Osborne Bay Chapman Breeze Glazer peter Syrett Cheryl Woo Annelise Chikhale Megan Koehler Chris Swigert Tom Silva Hyeuk Rhee Vanna Conyers Suzanne Drake Tim Hernaez Angelene Hoffert Donna Sanderson michael Tam Andy Tsay-Jacobs Kristian Fosholt Haji Ishikawa Vittoria Zupicich(摄) Emily Hagopian(摄) Steve Babuljak(摄) Tim Griffith(摄)帕金斯威尔建筑设计事务所 不详 
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《美国医学会杂志(中文版)》2007年 第2期26卷 77-85页
作者:Theodore Mazzone peter M. Meyer Steven B. Feinstein michael H. Davidson George T. Kondos Ralph B. D'Agostino Alfonsp Perez Jean-Claude Provost StevenM. Haffner 胡与(译) 李呈亿(校)Department of Medicine Section of Endocrinology Diabetes and Metabolism Department of Medicine Section of Endocrinology and Section of Cardiology University of Illinois College of Medicine. Chicago Departments of Preventive Medicine University of Illinois College of Medicine and Medicine Section of Cardiology Rush University Medical Center Chicago Department of Mathematics Statistics and Consulting Unit Boston University Boston Mass Takeda Global Research and Developmerit Inc Lincolnshire lll Takeda Global Research Synarc Paris Franoe Department of Medicine Uni- versity of Texas Health Sdence Center at San Antonio 不详 
背景:颈动脉内膜中层厚度(carotid artery intima—media thickness,CIMT)是冠状动脉粥样硬化的一种标志物,可以独立地预测心血管事件的发生。2型糖尿病患者心血管事件有所增加。尽管相对短期的研究显示,噻唑烷二酮类药物(例如...
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《美国医学会杂志(中文版)》2007年 第4期26卷 195-203页
作者:Gabriel Steg Deepak L. Bhatt peter W. F. Wilson Ralph D' Agostino E. Magnus Ohman Joachim Roether Chiau-Suong Liau Alan T. Hirsch Jean-Louis Mas Yasuo Ikeda michael J. Pencina Shinya Goto 徐成斌(译) 李呈亿(校)Departement de Cardiologie Hopital Bichat-Claude Bernard Paris France Department of Cardiovascular Medicine Cleveland Clinic Cleveland Ohio Cardiology Division Emory University School of Medicine Atlanta Ga Statistics and Consulting Unit Department of Mathematics and Statistics Boston University Boston Mass Division of Cardiology Duke University Durham NC Department of Neurology Klinikum Minden Minden Germany Department of internal Medicine National Taiwan University Hospital and School of Medicine Taipei Taiwan Minneapolis Heart Institute Foundation and Division of Epidemiology and Community Health University of Minnesota School of Public Health Minneapolis Service de Neurologie Centre Raymond Garcin Hopital Sainte-Anne Paris France Department of Internal Medicine Keio University School of Medicine Tokyo Japan Department of Medicine Tokai University School of Medicine Kanagawa Japan 不详 
背景:目前,有关社区中动脉粥样硬化血栓形成稳定患者心血管(cardiovascular,CV)事件发生率的资料比较少,既往也无国际性队列研究对冠状动脉病(coronary artery disease,CAD)、脑血管病(cerebrovascular disease,CVD)、外周...
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《美国医学会杂志(中文版)》2008年 第1期27卷 9-16页
作者:Wen-Chih Wu, MD Tracy L. Schifftner, MS William G. Henderson, PhD Charles B. Eaton, MD Roy M. Poses, MD Georgette Uttley, RN Satish C. Sharma, MD 1 michael Vezeridis, MD Shukri F. Khuri, MD peter D. Friedmann, MD 公磊(译) 祝学光(校)Target Research Enhancement ProgramProvidence Veterans Affairs Medical Center and Department of Community Health Department of Medicine Memorial Hospital of Rhode Island and Department of Family Medicine Center for Primary Care and Prevention Memorial Hospital of Rhode Island and Department of Family Medicine Center for Primary Care and Prevention and Surgical Service Providence Veterans Affairs Medical Center and Department of Surgery Brown Medical School and Medical Service Providence Veterans Affairs Medical Center Providence RI National Surgical Quality Improvement Program Denver Data Analysis Center Denver VA Medical Center University of Colorado Health Outcomes ProgramDenver Providence RI National Surgical Quality Improvement Program Denver Data Analysis Center and Surgical Service VA Boston Healthcare System and Department of Surgery Harvard Medical School Boston Mass 不详 
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《美国医学会杂志(中文版)》2007年 第1期26卷 3-11页
作者:David R.Holmes,Jr,MD Paul Teirstein, MD Lowell Satler, MD michael Sketch, MD James O' Malley, PhD Jeffery J. Popma, MD Richard E. Kuntz, MD, MSc peter J. Fitzgerald, MD, PhD Hong Wang, MD, MPH Eileen Caramanice, BA, MS Sidney A. Cohen, MD, PhD 宋莉(译) 孙艺红(译) 胡大一(校) 
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《设计》2021年 第12期34卷 8-8页
作者:Alex Schill peter Haller Florian von Hornstein michael WilkDennis Fritz Anton Reim Leif Johannsen Raul Dück Markus Kremer Jana Grabau Janina petersen Katrin OedingServiceplan/*** Germany MunichDeutschland Studio Oeding GmbH 
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《英国医学杂志中文版》2002年 第1期5卷 55-55页
作者:Elaine Ward michael King Margaret Lloyd peter Bower Bonnie Sibbald Sharon Farrelly Mark Gabbay Nicholas Tarrier Julia Addington-Hall 乔立艳 
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《美国医学会杂志(中文版)》2005年 第4期24卷 204-208页
作者:michael A.Blazing James A. de Lemos Harvey D. White Keith A. A. Fox Freek W. A. Verheugt Diego Ardissino peter M. DiBattiste Joarme Palmisano David W. Bilheimer Steven M. Snapinn Karen E. Ramsey Laura H. Gardner Vic Hasselblad Marc A. Pfeffer Eldrin F. Lewis Eugene Braunwald Robert M. Califf 王淑敏(译) 胡大一(校)Duke clinical Research Institute Durham NC Donald W. Reynolds Cardiovascular Clinical Research Center University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center Dallas Department of Cardiology Green Lane Hospital Auckland New Zealand Department of Cardiology Research University of Edinburgh Edinburgh Scotland Department of Interventional Cardiology University Medical Center Nijmegen the Netherlands Division of Cardiology Ospedale Maggiore Parma Italy Merck&Company Whitehouse Station NJ Department of Medicine Harvard Medical SchoolBrigham and Women's Hospital Boston Mass 不详 
背景:对于非ST段抬高急性冠脉综合征(acute coronary syndromes,ACS)患者而言,与单独应用普通肝素相比,依诺肝素或者血小板糖蛋白Ⅱb/Ⅲa受体拮抗剂替罗非班与普通肝素联合应用都显示出较好的疗效。目前,尚不清楚依诺肝素和替...
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