
检索条件"作者=Ricardo Souza"
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Gripper Design for Radio Base Station Autonomous Maintenance System
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《International Journal of Automation and computing》2021年 第4期18卷 645-653页
作者:Gabriel Reis Marrone Dantas Daniel Bezerra Gibson Nunes Pedro Dreyer Carolina Ledebour Judith Kelner Djamel Sadok ricardo souza Silvia Lins Maria MarqueziniNetworking and Telecommunications Research GroupInformatics CenterFederal University of PernambucoRecife 50730-120Brazil Ericsson ResearchIndaiatuba 13337-300Brazil 
For an autonomous system to perform maintenance tasks in a networking device or a radio base station(RBS), it has to deal with a series of technological challenges ranging from identifying hardware-related problems to...
Amniotic membrane as a potent source of stem cells and a matrix for engineering heart tissue
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《Journal of Biomedical Science and Engineering》2013年 第12期6卷 1178-1185页
作者:Julio Cesar Francisco ricardo Correa Cunha Rossana Baggio Simeoni Luiz Cesar Guarita-souza Reginaldo Justino Ferreira Ana Carolina Irioda Carolina Maria C.Oliveira souza Garikipati Venkata Naga Srikanth Soniya Nityanand Juan Carlos Chachques Katherine Athayde Teixeira de CarvalhoBioprocess Engineering and Biotechnology DepartmentFederal University of ParanáCuritibaBrazil Cell Therapy and Biotechnology in Regenerative Medicine Research GroupPele Pequeno Príncipe InstituteCuritibaBrazil Experimental Laboratory of Institute of Biological and Health SciencesPontificial Catholic University of Paraná(PUCPR)Rua Imaculada ConceicaoCuritibaBrazil Federal University of TechnologyCuritibaBrazil Department of HematologyStem Cell Research FacultySanjay Gandhi Post-Graduate Institute of Medical SciencesLucknowIndia Laboratory of Biosurgical ResearchPompidou HospitalUniversity of Paris DescartesParisFrance 
Existing therapies for the treatment of chronic heart failure still have some limitations and there is a pressing need for the development of new therapeutic modalities. The amniotic membrane has been used for the tre...
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