范例一:(K=图书馆学 OR K=情报学) AND A=范并思 AND Y=1982-2016
范例二:P=计算机应用与软件 AND (U=C++ OR U=Basic) NOT K=Visual AND Y=2011-2016
摘要:In FLAC ^(3D),cable element or modified pile element can be used to build slope anchoring ***,the difference between the two structural elements and their influence on the calculation results have not been studied in *** order to solve this problem,the Xiashu loess slope anchoring models based on cable element and modified pile element were constructed respectively.A variety of anchoring schemes were designed by orthogonal experiment method,and then they were brought into the model for calculation and the calculation results were analyzed by range analysis and variance *** results show that the modified pile element can bear the bending moment and reflect the strain softening property of the *** the perspective of slope safety factor,the anchorage length and anchor bolt spacing are the main factors affecting the stability of the slope,and the anchorage angle is the secondary *** grout in cable element is assumed to be an elastic-perfectly plastic material,so the safety factor of the slope can be significantly increased by increasing the length of the anchor *** will bring potential risks to the slope treatment ***,in the calculation of the slope anchoring model,the modified pile element is more suitable for simulating the anchor bolt.
摘要:系统基于ZigBee的无线传感网络,GPRS手机通信模块,创造性地架设Web server作为各个子系统的功能延伸和扩展,克服了传统的安防系统功能单一,智能化程度低下的特点,极大方便了用户,提升了系统的应用价值、灵活性和普适性。文章详细阐述了室内安防系统的软硬件结构框架、软硬件选型、技术方案论证和各个功能模块的实现方法。经过完备的测试,证明系统达到了预期设计目标。
摘要:传统的地质灾害治理设计成果图件是经过笛卡尔投影几何转换的平面、立面、剖面图,容易导致认知的歧异和结果误差,对于地质灾害治理项目的设计、施工、管理均会产生不良的影响。基于Sketch Up软件的三维辅助设计,是对传统地质灾害治理设计的良好补充和突破。Sketch Up软件具有强大的建模功能、优秀的互动界面、良好的联系通道等诸多优点。三维辅助设计在设计效果的直观表达、工程量的准确计算、三维大样图的制作、三维动态演示等许多方面能够得到很好的应用。这种辅助设计方法在地质灾害治理项目上具有良好的实用价值和应用前景。
摘要:以淀粉型甘薯为原料,利用单因素试验研究不同淀粉乳质量浓度、pH值、压热温度、压热时间及冷却回生时间对甘薯三型抗性淀粉(resistant starch type 3,RS3)得率的影响,并通过响应面设计优化制备工艺。结果显示,响应面试验得出的最优制备条件为淀粉乳浓度13%、pH5.5、压热温度110℃、压热时间35 min,此时RS3得率为37.94%,与预测值仅相差0.92%,响应面模型与实际情况拟合良好。甘薯抗性淀粉RS3的体外抗消化特性研究表明,RS3的酶解率和模拟消化道的消化率低,展示很强的抗酶解、抗消化特性。电镜结果显示,RS3颗粒呈不规则块状,表面凹凸不平;结晶型以B型为主,颗粒有序度降低,双螺旋程度和结晶度提高,与原淀粉相比结构更加紧密,这些结构特性可以解释甘薯RS3的抗消化特性。
摘要:[目的/意义]系统动力学的仿真模拟能够全面捕捉政策影响下的复杂社会系统动态性,准确模拟政策干预随时间推移的累积影响,评估政策的实施效果,对于推动政策工具科学高效地制定和使用,以及提高政策效能都有着极其重要的作用。[方法/过程]以人口生育政策实施为样例,基于生育率等关键性影响因素与教育经济等环境影响参数,借助Vensim PLE构建一套系统动力学仿真模型,动态演示人口—政策—经济子系统间的交互,设计执行3项差异化政策干预情景,深入模拟预测不同政策导向下的人口变迁路径与演化趋势。[结果/结论]研究发现,生育政策的放宽在促进人口增长的同时,有效缓解老龄化趋势。但政策影响日渐式微,亟需结构化变革与调整。
摘要:Irregularcellular structurehas great potential to be considered in light-weight design field. However, the research on optimizing irregular cellular structures has not yet been reporteddue to the difficulties in their modeling technology. Based on the variable density topology opti- mization theory, an efficient method for optimizing the topology of irregular cellular structures fabricated through additive manufacturing processes is proposed. The pro- posed method utilizes tangent circles to automatically generate the main outline of irregular cellular structure. The topological layoutof each cellstructure is optimized using the relative density informationobtained from the proposed modified SIMP method. A mapping relationship between cell structure and relative densityelement is builtto determine the diameter of each cell structure. The results show that the irregular cellular structure can be optimized with the proposed method. The results of simulation and experimental test are similar for irregular cellular structure, which indicate that the maximum deformation value obtained using the modified Solid Isotropic Microstructures with Penalization (SIMP) approach is lower 5.4× 10-5 mm than that using the SIMP approach under the same under the same external load. The proposed research provides the instruction to design the other irregular cellular structure.
摘要:针对电驱AGV驱动力小且抗电磁干扰能力弱的问题,提出一种电控液驱转运AGV液压系统设计方案。根据不同工况下整车所需驱动力,确定行走、制动及举升系统的技术参数。通过搭建试验场所,在平地和5°坡道运行两种工况下托举12 t阳极块,利用ZCANPRO软件,测试AGV液压系统运行的性能。结果表明:在AGV运行试验中,液压系统能够在5%的允许偏差范围内满足车辆运行时的速度稳定性要求,因此此液压系统能够满足使用需求。
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