范例一:(K=图书馆学 OR K=情报学) AND A=范并思 AND Y=1982-2016
范例二:P=计算机应用与软件 AND (U=C++ OR U=Basic) NOT K=Visual AND Y=2011-2016
摘要:Marxism was spread into Vietnam by patriotic intellectuals from the 20s of the 20th century and still exists until today. The presence of Marxism in Vietnam through such a long history is enough to prove its importmlce and strong influence in the socio-political life of Vietnam. First of all, Marxism is closely related to the movement of national liberation revolutions in Vietnam from the 20s to the mid 70s of the 20th century: Marxism, with its outright revolutionary nature, had most adequately and effectively met the urgent needs of national liberation revolutions in Vietnam at that time, and at the same time evoked the fierce belief of patriotic revolutionists in a noble ideal--tJle ideal of communist society, and encouraged them to devote themselves to national liberation revolutions. It can be said that Marxism has become the soul of national liberation revolutions in Vietnam; hence, the victory of such revolutions in the mid 70s of the 20th century is also the victory of Marxism in an Eastern country that was very obsolete then. Furthermore, Marxism is also associated with the reforming of old society and building of new society--the socialist society in Vietnam: after winning national independence and unification for the country in the mid-70s of the 20th century, Vietnamese patriotic revolutionists posed the question of"What new model of society should be built in Vietnam to match the country's history context?" This question is not only related to the fate of of everyone, but also related to the fate of Vietnamese people as a whole. Marxism had brought to patriotic revolutionists and all Vietnamese people a very clear answer: the socialist society (the first phase of communist society), where there will no longer be capitalist ownership, no people exploiting people, no rich and poor, from each according to his ability, to each according to his needs, all resources are of common ownership, etc Thus, from 1975 to 1986 (the subsidy period in Vietnam), the Comm
摘要:In the early twentieth century, Marxism was propagated into Vietnam through patriotic intellectuals. After the propagation into Vietnam, Marxism not only influenced national liberation movements, but also profoundly affected scholars, particularly scholars of social science. In fact, many of well-known Vietnamese scholars have relied on Marxism’s theory of social existence and social consciousness, infrastructure and superstructure, practical concept, concept of class struggle, etc. to comment on poetry, history, language, geography, philosophy, etc. In other words, the scholars have applied Marxist methodology to explore and study cultural and social life in Vietnam; and in that way, a generation of Marxist researchers in the field of social sciences has been formed. After the renovation of the country, the Government of Vietnam has implemented its policy of openness and international integration, and scholars have been therefore able to receive many other Western ideals and cultures, and the Marxist methodology was not the only one used in social science research. Consequently, some people expressed their skepticism about the role of Marxist methodology in academic research in Vietnam, even completely denied the historical significance of Marxist methodology to the academia in Vietnam. This article is intended, through Vietnamese Marxist scholars, especially the ones in the field of social sciences prior to 1986 (i.e., prior to the renovation of the country) to demonstrate the historical significance of the Marxist methodology to the Vietnamese academia. It is clear that the penetration of the Marxism and the Marxist methodology into Vietnam have created a revolution in the field of academic research (primarily in the field of social science). It has promoted academicresearch from conservative toward innovative, from traditional to modern. With the presence of the French colonialism as well as the French culture, the Marxism and the Marxist methodology helped Vie
摘要:A structure-based microstrip passband filter with the center frequency of 2.6 GHz was put forward by using double-mode resonator based on defected ground structure (DGS) technology. A double-mode coupling resonator combined with DGS structure was used to achieve the resonance frequency and the filter size. CST microwave studio was used to optimize the attenuation performance to get the filter parameters. A structure-based passband filter was fabricated. Simulation is consistent with the measurement. Performance shows that the proposed filter could be suitable for the time division-long term devolution (TD-LTE) microwave systems at 2.6 GHz.
摘要:为了解决扫频过程中隔振器不能很好地隔离扫频频率在0Hz和固有频率之间的平台基座惯性力的干扰,提出一种双级驱动主动隔振系统的可调反共振频率控制器。对双级驱动主动隔振系统的运动学模型、可调反共振频率控制器及参数设计等进行了研究。首先,根据设计的双级驱动主动隔振系统建立其运动学模型。接着,基于系统的反共振频率特性提出了可调反共振频率控制器及其参数设计。然后,分析可调反共振频率控制的隔振性能。最后,搭建实验平台进行实验验证。实验结果表明:从0到初始反共振频率,闭环传递率小于-15 dB。此外,通过改变控制器的参数,附加的反共振频率可以在0 Hz和初始反共振频率之间调节。且在附加反共振频率附近,闭环传递率小于-30 dB。利用该控制器,有效载荷的扰动幅度从4 mm·s^(-1)衰减到0.5 mm·s^(-1),平台基座的冲击扰动降低了87.5%。双级驱动主动隔振系统配合可调反共振频率控制器可以通过跟踪扫频干扰实时调整反共振频率点,可应用于半导体制造业超低振动要求的扫频环境,达到良好的隔振效果。
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