
检索条件"作者=Stuart Pocock"
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Heart‘omicsin’AGEing (HOMAGE):design,research objectives and characteristics of the common database
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《The Journal of Biomedical Research》2014年 第5期28卷 349-359页
作者:Lotte Jacobs Lutgarde Thijs Yu Jin Faiez Zannad Alexandre Mebazaa Philippe Rouet Florence Pinet Christophe Bauters Burkert Pieske Andreas Tomaschitz Mamas Mamas Javier Diez Kenneth McDonald John G F Cleland Hans-Peter Brunner-La Rocca Stephane Heymans Roberto Latini Serge Masson Peter Sever Christian Delles stuart pocock Timothy Collier Tatiana Kuznetsova Jan A StaessenStudies Coordinating CentreResearch Unit Hypertension and Cardiovascular EpidemiologyKU Leuven Department of Cardiovascular SciencesUniversity of Leuven Centre d'Investigation Clinique Pierre Drouin and U 961Hypertension and Heart Failure UnitInstitut Lourrain du Coeur etdes VaisseauxInsermNancyFrance Department of Anesthesiology and Critical Care MedicineInsermUMR-S942Hopital LariboisiereUniversite Paris Diderot Equipe obesite et insuffisance cardiaqueUniversite UPSInserm I2MCUMR 1048ToulouseFrance InsermU744CHRULilleFrance Department of CardiologyMedical University Graz Cardiovascular InstituteUniversity of ManchesterManchesterUK Division of Cardiovascular SciencesFoundation for Applied Medical ResearchUniversity of Navarra Heart Failure UnitSt Vincent's University Hospital University College Dublin Department of CardiologyUniversity of HullUK Department of CardiologyMaastricht University Medical CentreNetherlands Center for Heart Failure ResearchDepartment of CardiologyMaastricht UniversityNetherlands Department of Cardiovascular ResearchIRCCS - Istituto di Ricerche Farmacologiche "Mario Negri" International Center for Circulatory HealthImperial College Institute of Cardiovascular and Medical SciencesBHF Glasgow Cardiovascular Research CenterUniversity of Glasgow London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine 
Heart failure is common in older people and its prevalence is *** Heart 'omics' in AGEing(HOMAGE) project aims to provide a biomarker approach that will improve the early diagnosis of heart failure.A large clinica...
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《英国医学杂志中文版》2006年 第1期9卷 16-19页
作者:Tim C Clayton stuart J pocock Jacobus Lubsen Zoltán Vokó Bridget-Anne Kirwan Keith A A Fox Philip A Poole-WilsonDepartment ofEpidemiology andPopulation HealthLondon School of Hygiene andTropical MedicineLondon  Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics Erasmus Medical Centre 3000 DR Rotterdam Netherlandsprofessor School of Public Health University of Debrecen H-4028 Debrecen Hungary assistant professor SOCAR Research SA PO Box 2564 CH-1260 Nyon 2 Switzerland director Cardiovascular Research UnitEdinburghUniversityEdinburghEH16 4SBprofessor CardiovascularSciences NationalHeart and LungInstitute ImperialCollege LondonLondon SW3 6LYprofessor 
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