范例一:(K=图书馆学 OR K=情报学) AND A=范并思 AND Y=1982-2016
范例二:P=计算机应用与软件 AND (U=C++ OR U=Basic) NOT K=Visual AND Y=2011-2016
摘要:This paper presents some important facts about ed.cational.opportunities and.stud.nts' access worl.wid.. Specific facts and.scenarios are exhibited.and.provid.d.to compare ed.cation opportunities in rich and.poor areas in d.vel.ped.and.d.vel.ping countries. Particul.rl., this paper surveys and.compares forces on ed.cational.happening in Nigeria and.United.States. It argues that d.spite the much accl.imed.d.mocratization of access to ed.cation, gl.ring inequal.ties can be id.ntified.in the way ed.cators and.how our stud.nts are treated. In regard. to quantities and.qual.ty of ed.cational.resources, ed.cation is not equal.y accessed.by al. stud.nts in our tod.y's worl.. This paper, therefore, recommend. that human beings shoul. be given equal.access and.opportunities to ed.cation at al. l.vel.; and.shoul. be treated.with respect and.d.gnity in spite of col.r, rel.gion, or race wherever they find.themsel.es. This becomes an imperative if mankind.is to achieve success in the task of propel.ing stud.nts and.Ed.cators to greater achievements. As wel., this paper recommend. that cul.ural. institutional. and.pol.tical.powers shoul. be d.pl.yed.to bring about a more equitabl. worl. ord.r.
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