
280 条 记 录,以下是1-10 订阅
Design of Robust.Cont.oller for LFC of Int.rconnect.d Power Syst.m Considering Communicat.on Delays
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《Circuit. and Syst.ms》2016年 第6期7卷 794-804页
作者:t. Jesint.a Mary P. RangarajanDepartment of Electrical and Electronics Engineering R.M.D Engineering College Chennai India 
t.e usage of open communicat.on infrast.uct.re for t.ansmit.ing t.e cont.ol signals in t.e Load Frequency Cont.ol (LFC) scheme of power syst.m int.oduces t.me delays. t.ese t.me delays may degrade t.e dynamic performa...
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《压力容器》2004年 第Z1期21卷 234-239页
作者:M. Hamada t. t.uda 沈玉堂 李永生    南京工业大学   
Regional Design St.rm and Flood Modelling—Risk Implicat.ons in Ungauged Cat.hment.
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《Journal of Wat.r Resource and Prot.ct.on》2016年 第13期8卷 1211-1221页
作者:Berhanu F. Alemaw Ron t. ChaokaDepartment of Geology University of Botswana Gaborone Botswana 
Most.planned development. in a cat.hment.for cont.ol of excess wat.r using a culvert. bridge or dam spillway are locat.d at.a sit. in a st.eam where t.ere are no discharge measurement.. Even t.ough, for gauged cat.hme...
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《公路交通科技》2009年 第12期26卷 50-55页
作者:叶华文 t. Ummenhofer 强士中西南交通大学土木工程学院四川成都610031 Institute for Rehabilitation of Buildings and StructuresTechnical University of Braunschweig 
Design Opt.mizat.on of a Micro-Combust.r for Lean, Premixed Fuel-Air Mixt.res
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《Journal of Power and Energy Engineering》2016年 第6期4卷 13-26页
作者:Leigh t. Powell Ralph C. AldredgeDepartment of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering University of California-Davis Davis CA USA 
Present.t.chnology has been shift.ng t.wards miniat.rizat.on of devices for energy product.on for port.ble elect.onics. Micro-combust.rs, when incorporat.d int. a micro-power generat.on syst.m, creat. t.e energy desir...
Java Comput.r Animat.on for Effect.ve Learning of t.e Cholesky Algorit.m wit. t.ansport.t.on Engineering Applicat.ons
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《Journal of Soft.are Engineering and Applicat.ons》2016年 第10期9卷 491-500页
作者:Ivan Makohon Duc t. Nguyen Mecit.Cet.nModeling Simulation & Visualization Engineering (MSVE) Department Old Dominion University Norfolk VA USA CEE and MSVE Department Old Dominion University Norfolk VA USA Civil & Environmental Engineering (CEE) Department Old Dominion University Norfolk VA USA 
In t.is paper, t.e well-known Cholesky Algorit.m (for solving simult.neous linear equat.ons, or SLE) is re-visit.d, wit. t.e ult.mat. goal of developing a simple, user-friendly, at.ract.ve, and useful Java Visualizat....
Correlat.ons bet.een IMC t.ickness and t.ree fact.rs in Sn-3Ag-0.5Cu alloy syst.m
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《中国有色金属学会会刊:英文版》2007年 第4期17卷 686-690页
作者:孟工戈 t. t.kemot. H. NishikawaCollege of Materials Science and Engineering Harbin University of Science and Technology Joining and Welding Research Institute Osaka UniversityIbalaki Osaka 567-0047 Japan 
t.e effect. of Ni cont.nt. soldering t.mperat.re and t.me on t.e IMC t.ickness in Sn-3Ag-0.5Cu and Sn-3Ag-0.5Cu-0.2Co alloys were researched using uniform design met.od and comput.r programs. For each alloy, t.e fact....
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《生态毒理学报》2005年 第2期27卷 68-71页
作者:Mily Cort.s Posas Nonit. t. Yap 蔡学娣Carrera de Desarrollo Socio Económico y AmbienteEscuela Agricola Panamericana el Zamorano Apartado Postal 3 Honduras School of Environmental Design and Rural DevelopmentRm. 122 Landscape Architecture Building University of Guelph Gueph Ontario N1G 2W1 Canada   
An Int.lligent.t.ansport.t.on Syst.m Applicat.on for Smart.hones Based on Vehicle Posit.on Advert.sing and Rout. Sharing in Vehicular Ad-Hoc Net.orks
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《Journal of Comput.r Science & t.chnology》2018年 第2期33卷 249-262页
作者:Seilendria A. Hadiwardoyo Subhadeep Pat.a Carlos t. Calafat. Juan-Carlos Cano Piet.o ManzoniDeptartment of Computer Engineering Universitat Politecnica de Valencia Valencia 46022 Spain 
Alert.ng drivers about.incoming emergency vehicles and t.eir rout.s can great.y improve t.eir t.avel t.me in congest.d cit.es, while reducing t.e risk of accident. due t. dist.act.ons. t.is paper cont.ibut.s t. t.is g...
A novel process for sort.ng fine-sized sulphide minerals by biocoagulat.on
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《中国有色金属学会会刊:英文版》2008年 第6期18卷 1473-1479页
作者:H. Z. KUYUMCU J. PINKA t. BIELIGDepartment of Mechanical Process Engineering and Solids ProcessingTechnical University of Berlin Sekr. BH 11 Strasse des 17. Juni 135 10623 Berlin Germany 
基于一个过程设计想法,在柏林的技术大学的调查证实微生物的 biocoagulat.on 和稳固的粒子将是一个新方法产生对排序合适的更粗糙的粒子。微生物的选择 biocoagulat.on 的过程,分别地例如酵母喜欢 Saccharomyces cerevisiae 和 Yarrow...
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