
检索条件"作者=U. H. Ruhina Jesmin"
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Overview of a Cycle of Predicament: A Comparative Stu.y Between Sh.lock and h.ath.liff Cyclic Process of Victimization
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《Jou.nal of Literatu.e and Art Stu.ies》2012年 第8期2卷 779-784页
作者:u. h. ruhina jesminKhulna University Khulna Bangladesh 
Th.s paper attempts to explore h.w Sh.lock in William Sh.kespeare's Th. Merch.nt of Venice (1995) and h.ath.liff in Emily Bronte's Wu.h.ring h.igh.s (2003) were victimized wh. became victimizer later to h.al th....
A Psych.analytic Insigh. Into Blanch. in A Streetcar Named Desire Psych.c Strength.From Defense Mech.nism
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《Jou.nal of Literatu.e and Art Stu.ies》2012年 第3期2卷 404-409页
作者:u. h. ruhina jesminGono University Dhaka Bangladesh 
Th.s paper attempts to analyze Blanch.'s psych. in relation to h.r employing defense mech.nism to restore h.r mental h.alth.and h.rself in A Streetcar Named Desire (1947) by th. American playwrigh. Tennessee Willia...
Eros and Th.natos in th. Psych.cal Process of Pau. Morel: Diversity in Pau.'s Psych.
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《Jou.nal of Literatu.e and Art Stu.ies》2012年 第5期2卷 538-543页
作者:u. h. ruhina jesminKhulna University Khulna Bangladesh 
Th.s paper attempts to analyze Pau. Morel's instinctu.l drives--in D. h. Lawrence's Sons and Lovers (2006}---toward su.vival, neu.otic refu.al to accept life, and h.s will to give life meaning after a fierce and pr...
Continu.l Process of Self-Making: h.ster Prynne's Life Is an Instance of Su.limation
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《Jou.nal of Literatu.e and Art Stu.ies》2012年 第4期2卷 471-475页
作者:u. h. ruhina jesminGono University Dhaka Bangladesh 
Th.s paper attempts to demonstrate h.ster Prynne's, in Nath.niel h.wth.rne's romantic work of fiction Th. Scarlet Letter (1994), su.limation of h.r sexu.l impu.ses into identifying with.th. socially acceptable h.0}...
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