范例一:(K=图书馆学 OR K=情报学) AND A=范并思 AND Y=1982-2016
范例二:P=计算机应用与软件 AND (U=C++ OR U=Basic) NOT K=Visual AND Y=2011-2016
摘要:Loesses are widely distributed all over the world,especially in ***,long-term agricultural irrigation and extreme climate changes have led to frequent geological disasters in the Heifangtai area of Lanzhou,Gansu,*** these,landslides are one of the most frequent types of disasters that are harmful to humans and the environment.A landslide is closely related to the lithology,structure,and groundwater of the site and consists of a combination of structure units divided by discontinuities,such as faults,joints,and fi ***,geological surveys,engineering drilling,and trenching are typically used to identify the stratum lithology,structure,and groundwater in order to visually display underground information within a limited depth ***,these methods have *** particular,geological surveys can only describe geological phenomena on the surface,while the cost of drilling and trenching may be high,along with the ineffi ciency of *** this research,the integrated geophysical exploration method was used to analyze the hidden joints,cracks,and other discontinuities and geophysical features of the *** results were verified by trench exploration,and large amounts of underground information were obtained,especially the spread and distribution of discontinuities in landslide *** information can be effectively used for carrying out and providing meaningful experiences and lessons in future comprehensive geophysical processing and interpretations related to the prediction and evaluation of landslides.
摘要:This paper proposes a novel collision post structure designed to improve the crashworthiness of subway cab *** structure provides two innovative features:1)a simpler connection between the post and the car roof,which gives a more reasonable load transfer path to reduce the stress concentration at the joint;and 2)a stiffness induction design that provides an ideal deformation model to protect the safe space of the cab *** novel collision post structure was evaluated with finite element analysis,and a prototype cab car was mechanically *** results demonstrate that the deformation response was stable and agreed well with the expected ideal *** maximum load was 874.17 kN and the responses remained well above the elastic design load of 334 kN as required by the design *** addition,there was no significant tearing failure during the whole test ***,the novel collision post structure proposed has met the requirements specified in new standard to improve the crashworthiness of subway cab ***,the energy absorption efficiency and light weight design highlights were also summarized and discussed.
摘要:数字试验测试验证(Digital Experiment,Testing,and Validation,D-ETV)是利用“数力”和“智力”更好地了解产品或系统基本属性和性能特征的方法,是实现高质高效研制运维的重要支撑手段。然而,在物理试验测试验证(Physical Experiment,Testing,and Validation,P-ETV)向D-ETV演化的过程中,因缺乏基础共性标准参考,导致不同人员对D-ETV的理解与认识存在差异;因缺乏关键技术标准参考,导致D-ETV实现难;因缺乏通用支撑、安全、行业应用等标准参考,导致D-ETV实施难。针对上述问题,首先从D-ETV有何用、如何用、何处用3个角度对D-ETV标准需求进行分析。在作者团队前期提出的D-ETV通用流程“D”模型及关键技术基础上,进一步建立并完善“析-定-建-测-评-融”D-ETV理论体系。面向航空航天、工程机械、船舶、电子信息、汽车等领域的国家重大需求,与相关研究院所和企业共同尝试探索建立一套D-ETV标准体系,包括基础共性、关键技术、通用支撑、安全和行业应用5类标准。期望相关工作为D-ETV理论研究、标准研制、行业应用提供参考,助力我国试验测试验证向数字化、智能化、服务化方向发展,进而为我国装备高质量发展提供支撑。
摘要:The underlying spin-related mechanism remains unclear,and the rational manipulation of spin states is challenging due to various spin configurations under different coordination ***,it is urgent to study spin-dependent oxygen evolution reaction(OER)performance through a controllable ***,we adopt a topochemical reaction method to synthesize a series of selenides with eg occupancies ranging from 1.67 to *** process begins with monoclinic-CoSeO_(3),featuring a distinct laminar structure and Co-O6 *** topochemical reaction induces significant changes in the crystal field's intensity,leading to spin state *** transitions are driven by topological changes from a Co-O-Se-O-Co to a Co-Se-Co configuration,strengthening the crystalline field and reducing eg orbital *** reconfiguration of spin states shifts the rate-determining step from desorption to adsorption for both OER and the hydrogen evolution reaction(HER),reducing the potential-determined step barrier and enhancing overall catalytic *** a result,the synthesized cobalt selenide exhibits significantly enhanced adsorption *** material demonstrates impressive overpotentials of 35 mV for HER,250 mV for OER,and 270 mV for overall water splitting,indicating superior catalytic activity and ***,a negative relation between eg filling and OER catalytic performance confirms the spin-dependent nature of *** findings provide crucial insights into the role of spin state transitions in catalytic performance.
摘要:The channel state information at transmitter (CSIT) acquisition plays a key role in the multi-input multi-output (MIMO) system, especially for the precoding schemes. However it is unrealizable to acquire perfect CSIT in practice. In this article, an effective and practical dynamic CSIT model is introduced to acquire imperfect channel state information. For practicability, the channel temporal and spatial correlations are considered and the channel estimate and its error covariance are obtained by utilizing the outdated channel state information. Based on the dynamic CSIT mode, closed-form solution of robust Tomlinsion-Harashima precoding (THP) is derived by a Lagrangian approach. Numerical simulations are presented to demonstrate the performance.
招生:0574-88222065 88222066