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Recent progresses on designing and manufacturing of bulk refractory alloys with high performances based on controlling interfaces
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journal of Materials Science & Technology》2020年 第17期52卷 29-62页
作者:T.Zhang H.W.Deng Z.M.Xie R.Liu j.F.Yang C.S.Liu X.P.wang Q.F.Fang Y.XiongSchool of Physics and Electronic EngineeringGuangzhou UniversityGuangZhou 510006China Key Laboratory of Materials PhysicsInstitute of Solid State PhysicsChinese Academy of SciencesHefei 230031China State Key Laboratory of Environment Friendly Energy MaterialsWest South University of Sciences and TechnologyMianYang 621010China 
Refractory alloys such as tungsten and molybdenum based alloys with high strength,thermal/electrical conductivity,low coefficient of thermal expansion and excellent creep resistances are highly desirable for applicati...
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《南京林业大学学报(人文社会科学版)》2009年 第2期9卷 84-93页
作者:埃.马祖尔 乔.布赖恩.伯利 汪辉 王斯卉密歇根州立大学 南京林业大学江苏南京210037 
景观设计是一个基于科学的解决规划和设计问题的艺术性行业。本文根据jon Bryan Burley博士2007年秋在南京林业大学为规划与设计专业师生所作的第七次演讲的内容,阐述了科学与艺术之间的平衡。Burley博士通过展示和列举他在中国工作时...
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《饲料博览》2012年 第9期22卷 16-16页
作者:wang j Q Yin F G Zhu C Yu H Niven S j de Lange C F M Gong j不详 
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《饲料博览》2014年 第9期24卷 51-51页
作者:Cheng j B Bu D P wang j Q Sun X Z Pan L Zhou L Y Liu W 
文章旨在研究过瘤胃γ-氨基丁酸(GABA)对热应激奶牛的生长性能和养分消化率的影响,试验为完全随机区组试验设计,将60头荷斯坦奶牛(泌乳期:141±15 d,产奶量:35.9±4.3 kg·d-1,奇偶性:2.0±1.1)随机分为4个处理组,包括...
Experimental investigation on breaching of embankments
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《Science China(Technological Sciences)》2011年 第2期54卷 148-155页
作者:ZHU YongHui VISSER P j VRIjLING j K wang GuangQianState Key Laboratory of Hydroscience and Engineering Tsinghua University Beijing 100084 China Changjiang River Scientific Research Institute Changjiang Water Resources Commission Wuhan 430010 China Faculty of Civil Engineering and Geosciences Delft University of Technology Delft 2600 GA Netherlands 
Breaching of embankments has recently drawn more and more attention due to its importance in the development of early warning systems for embankment failures,in the evacuation plans of people at risk,in the design met...
Engineering the atomic interface of porous ceria nanorod with single palladium atoms for hydrodehalogenation reaction
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《Nano Research》2022年 第2期15卷 1338-1346页
作者:Zhijun Li Mingyang Zhang Lili Zhang Xiuli Dong Leipeng Leng jHugh Horton jun wangJoint International Research Laboratory of Advanced Chemical Catalytic Materials&Surface ScienceCollege of Chemistry and Chemical EngineeringNortheast Petroleum UniversityDaqing 163318China Shenyang National Laboratory for Materials ScienceInstitute of Metal ResearchChinese Academy of SciencesShenyang 110016China Department of ChemistryQueens UniversityKingstonK7L 3N6Canada 
Tuning the electronic properties of single atom catalysts(SACs)between the central metal and the neighboring surface atoms has emerged as an efficient strategy to boost catalytic efficiency and metal *** we describe a...
Tailoring minimalist self-assembling peptides for localized viral vector aene deliverv
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《Nano Research》2016年 第3期9卷 674-684页
作者:Alexandra L. Rodriguez Ting-Yi wang Kiara F. Bruggeman Rui Li Richard j. Williams Clare L. Parish David R. NisbetResearch School of Engineering The Australian National University Canberra ACT2601 Australia Florey Institute ofNeuroscience & Men tal Health The University of Melbourne Parkville VIC 3010 Australia Cen tre for Chemistry and Biotechnology Deakin University Waurn Ponds VIC 3217 Australia School of Aerospace Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering and the Health Innovations Research Institute RMIT University Melbourne VIC 300 I Australia 
Viral vector gene delivery is a promising technique for the therapeutic administra- tion of proteins to damaged tissue for the improvement of regeneration outcomes in various disease settings including brain and spina...
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journal of Plant Ecology》2024年 第1期17卷 94-110页
作者:Wenqi Luo Oscar j Valverde-Barrantes Monique Weemstra james F Cahill jr Zi wang Dong He Yongfa Chen Chengjin Chu Youshi wangState Key Laboratory of BiocontrolSchool of Life Sciences/School of EcologySun Yat-sen UniversityGuangzhou 510275China International Center for Tropical BotanyDepartment of Biological SciencesFlorida International UniversityMiamiFL 33199USA Department of Biological SciencesUniversity of AlbertaEdmontonABT6G 2E9Canada School of Ecology and the EnvironmentXinjiang UniversityUrumqi 830046China 
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《上海交通大学学报》2019年 第5期53卷 563-568页
作者:王香婷 李晓春 毛军发上海交通大学高速电子系统设计与电磁兼容研究教育部重点实验室 
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《电力系统自动化》2013年 第22期37卷 66-72页
作者:焦润海 王景兵 林碧英华北电力大学控制与计算机工程学院北京市102206 
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